Ice Wave Comes Ashore, Threatens Homes in Minnesota [VIDEO]

A massive wave of ice literally washed ashore this weekend, threatening homes in Minnesota, reports WCCO-TV.

People living around Lake Mille Lacs watched in disbelief on Saturday morning as strong winds pushed the sheet of ice all the way to their back doors and windows at Izatys Resort. About 10 miles of the shoreline was covered in the ice due to 30 to 40 mph winds, with some areas of ice pushed up as much as 30 feet high.

Darla Johnson caught the phenomenon on camera and said watching the ice creep up to their houses was alarming.

“You could hear it right through the doors, that’s what alerted us to all of it,” Johnson said. “And we turned around and you could just see it. It’s creepy because it starts coming towards you and you’re like ‘What is that!’”

The same thing happened over the weekend on a lake just over the border in Canada where a 29-foot wall of ice destroyed at least 12 homes and damaged many others. Check it out:

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