Asylum-Seeking Snowden Banned From Traveling to U.K.

There is now definitive proof that the United Kingdom would not allow Edward Snowden to seek asylum in their country. You know, just in case you thought that the United State’s closest ally would offer sanctuary to one of America’s most wanted men.

This morning, the AP reported that it had uncovered a document sent from the British Home Office to airlines all over the world. The AP reporter who broke the story specifically saw the document sent to a Thai airport but airports in “Malaysia and Singapore also confirmed the alert had been issued.”

An article in The Voice of Russia claims that the document was sent from the British government to airlines on Monday. The UK newspaper The Guardian quotes the document as saying that airlines would be charged a £2,000 fine for permitting him to travel to the UK. The document said, “The individual is highly likely to be refused entry to the UK.”

This news comes in the wake of growing European frustration with the United States as a result of the documentation of U.S. surveillance abroad leaked by Edward Snowden. The Guardian reports:

In a heated debate in the European parliament on Tuesday, lawmakers complained that for a decade they had yielded to US demands for access to European financial and travel data and said it was time to re-examine the deals and to limit data access…Lawmakers said the EU privacy overhaul and existing transatlantic data-sharing deals – the Swift agreement on sharing financial transaction data and an agreement on airline passenger name records – were in jeopardy.

Snowden may have a harder time seeking asylum in the Western world as he continues to antagonize the United States by sharing American cyber-intelligence information with China.

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