Curt Schilling: The Tweets You Need to Read

Curt Schilling Gehrig Schilling, Fenway Park, 2004 Red Sox

Curt Schilling and his son, Gehrig, at Fenway Park. (Getty)

Tweets honoring Red Sox legend Curt Schilling came pouring in Wednesday night from friends, family, fans and even Secretary of State John Kerry, who Schilling campaigned against in the 2004 presidential election.

The tweets were reacting to Schilling’s appearance at a reunion of the 2004 Red Sox World Series championship team. Schilling made a dramatic entrance from left field, walking in with his son, Gehrig, to join his teammates in the infield.

Twitter’s reaction to the ceremony was positive in general, but the Sox got a lot of flak for letting Manny Ramirez — a steroid user who quit on the team and was eventually traded to the Dodgers — throw out the first pitch, and for introducing Ramirez last, rather than Schilling.

Here’s a sample of the tweets, starting with a family photo tweeted by Schilling’s wife, Shonda.

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