Frontier Airlines flight 1143 is the airplane that confirmed Ebola case Amber Joy Vinson was on on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. It went from Cleveland, Ohio to Dallas, Texas. Here’s what you need to know.
1. It Landed Tuesday Evening
Frontier Airlines 1143 was the flight that Amber Joy Vinson was on before testing positive for Ebola. The flight commutes between Cleveland, Ohio and Dallas, Texas.
Vinson, a Dallas-native, had previously traveled to Cleveland on Frontier Airlines flight 1142 on Friday, October 10.
Prior to her flight to Cleveland, Vinson reportedly exhibited no symptoms of Ebola.
2. The CDC is Trying to Find People on the Flights
With the revelation that Vinson was an Ebola-carrier on a domestic flight, the CDC is urging anyone who might have been exposed to Vinson on the two flights to make themselves known.
If you or anyone you know were on these flights, you are urged to contact the Center for Disease Control (CDC) at 800-232-4636.
The CDC has since released a statement on the crisis, which can be read in full here.
3. The Airplane Was Thoroughly Cleaned After Both Flights
Those worried that they may have flown on the same aircraft after Vinson have been addressed by Frontier Airlines spokespeople.
Frontier Airlines said Flight 1143 remained overnight from Monday and received a thorough cleaning per normal procedures. The aircraft was also cleaned again in Cleveland on Tuesday night, the airline said.
However, no word on what sort of protocol was followed on Friday night’s airplane cleaning of Flight 1142 prior to knowledge of Vinson’s Ebola.
4. Ebola is Incredibly Contagious on Airplanes
Because of the contained environment of an airplane with shared amenities and bathrooms, people are especially susceptible to Ebola on them.
However, it is worth noting that Ebola is NOT an airborne disease and therefore cannot be transmitted as such. But, as stated above, a sneeze with infected saliva can infect an individual with Ebola.
Because of this, many travelers are taking extreme precautions.
5. ‘It May Get Worse Before it Gets Better’
Concerning the future of Ebola in Dallas and the United States, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings stated, it “may get worse before it gets better… But,” he promised, “it will get better.”
As for the economy, it has gotten worse. After the revelation of Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 and 1142, airline stocks have taken a serious nosedive.