Republican GOP Presidential Polls & Probabilities: Who’s Really Ahead?

Rand Paul, 0 %

No stranger to the GOP nomination race, Paul's 3.7 percent poll ranking puts him just out of the top five candidates. This ophthalmologist and senator has a $6.4 million campaign and prediction market rating of 0 percent. Paul spoke about his leadership skills in an interview with CNBC's John Harwood in October. Paul said, "I'm a physician. I'm somebody who looks at problems analytically and thinks we could solve them. I'm also someone who's not so wedded to party that I can't talk to the other side." Sometimes criticized for having both too strong and not strong enough of a libertarian outlook based on his father Ron Paul who ran as the libertarian candidate in the 80s, Paul talks about both liberals and conservatives coming around to some of the principles of libertarianism. He adds in his CNBC interview,
"Not every libertarian is the same. And in fact, I mean, if you look online, the libertarians squabble like no other group. And that's why one reason that inhibits their growth is there's so much squabbling. No one seems to be the perfect libertarian. I know that because I've been accused of not being the perfect libertarian. But I think when you look at libertarianism as a general philosophy, I think that people are actually in favor of it. Less war, more privacy, more 'Leave me alone.'"

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