Donald Trump to Deliver Speech Wednesday About Hillary Clinton Scandals

Donald Trump Phoenix, Donald Trump Arizona, Donald Trump Phoenix rally

Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Phoenix, Arizona. (Getty)

Donald Trump will deliver a speech on Wednesday regarding the various scandals and conspiracy theories surrounding Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Trump announced earlier this month that he was planning to deliver a speech son focused solely on, as he put it, “all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons.” That address was delayed following the Orlando shooting, but Trump is finally preparing to deliver it on Wednesday, June 22nd at 10:30 a.m. from New York.

The campaign’s schedule was updated this morning with this event, which was originally described simply as being a speech “regarding the election.” Later, press secretary Hope Hicks confirmed that this is actually the previously announced anti-Hillary speech, according to Katy Tur of NBC News.

This announcement follows a terrible Monday for the candidate, during which two staffers were fired and documents revealed that the campaign only has $1.2 million in cash on hand. Trump loves to shift the media narrative during times of negative coverage, and so he is likely hoping this speech will focus the press on his Hillary attacks instead of on his campaign infighting.

Check back in tomorrow for full coverage of Trump’s address, including a live stream of the event and updates on any major announcements.


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Donald Trump is set to deliver his speech about Hillary Clinton's various scandals on Wednesday, June 21.