WATCH: RNC 2016 Live Stream Online

Click play on the above video to watch a live stream of RNC 2016 Day 1. There are no shortage of options, including several innovative ways to watch the event. Here’s a rundown of additional options to watch the RNC’s opening night.

Watch Online

YouTube is offering a live stream here. This year, YouTube is offering users a 360 degree look at the convention. “YouTube’s 360 videos provide a wrap-around perspective users can control with their finger on mobile devices or via a mouse cursor on a computer,” Vanity Fair described the 360 degree aangles.

FOX News and c-Span will be offering live streams of the convention as well. Facebook has invited 22 companies to use their lounge at the event to broadcast live video of the RNC.

Watch on Mobile Devices

In addition to the above links such as YouTube and Facebook, those looking for an app to stream the RNC can use the RNC 2016 app. The app will offer a variety of live stream options as well as 360 degree looks at the convention. You can download it in either the App Store or Google Play.

Day One Preview

The theme for opening night of the convention is “Make America Safe Again”. It plays off Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan. The majority of speakers have ties to the military including many veterans. The list of tonight’s speakers include Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Rudy Giuliani, Scott Baio and Melania Trump. The night is expected to touch on the recent string of violence that has happened in the States and abroad.

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