Meghan McCain, John McCain’s Daughter: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Meghan McCain


Meghan McCain has become known for her outspoken nature, and candid writing. The 31-year-old daughter of Republican Senator John McCain was propelled into the national spotlight at an early age. Since then, she has become a national best-selling author, radio talk show host, and blogger.

McCain hasn’t minced words about her disdain for the 2016 presidential election, including her own party.

“The Republican Party used to be about free markets, statesmanship, leadership, and the rights to life and liberty for all people,” McCain told The Hill. “Now it’s a party of identity politics, limousine liberalism, anti-immigrant rhetoric and incoherent foreign policy.

I no longer recognize my party and I don’t think Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan would either.”

As her father runs for re-election to a sixth term in office, here’s a look at McCain’s political affiliation, career and net worth.

1. McCain Received Recognition for Her Blog, “McCain Blogette” in 2008

Meghan McCain


Raised in Phoenix, Arizona, McCain graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Art History. McCain planned to pursue a career in music journalism. She completed internships at Newsweek and Saturday Night Live before joining her father’s 2008 presidential campaign.

During his campaign, she launched a blog “McCain Blogette” that gained national attention almost immediately. McCain received two distinguished awards in politics, The Golden Dot Award for Best Blog, and two Pollie Awards from the Association of Political and Public Affairs Professionals.

Her blog documented life on the campaign trail, while including thoughts about fashion, music, and pop culture. In 2009, she became a contributing author for The Daily Beast.

McCain wrote columns for the site, which included pieces such as “Yes, I Wear Fake Hair” and “The GOP’s House Hottie.”

2. She Is a New York Times Best-Selling Author

Meghan McCain


McCain wrote and published her first book “Dirty Sexy Politics: A True Story” in 2010. The book was inspired by her time on the campaign trail during her father’s Presidential run.

She also offered her view of the Republican party, and its future.

“Being Republican is not a lifestyle choice,” McCain wrote. “And it doesn’t mean you can’t be young, or gay, or black, or anything else.”

McCain detailed her memory of election day in 2008, and the moment her father announced the news that the polls were showing— he had lost the election. McCain was shocked it was over at 5 p.m.

“Election nights are supposed to go on and on. . . . The sun wasn’t even down. My dad hadn’t even eaten dinner.”

McCain wrote that she feared her party would become irrelevant if it narrowed itself to “accommodate only one moral code.”

She wrote: “That night, I was standing at its funeral and saying good-bye.”

McCain also wrote a children’s book, “My Dad, John McCain.” McCain’s most recently authored, “America, You Sexy Bitch: A Love Letter to Freedom,” in which she recounts the cross-country road trip that she and left-winged comedian Michael Ian Black embarked upon together in 2011.

3. She Hosts Fox’s Radio Show “America Now”

In 2011, McCain began appearing as a contributor on MSNBC. In 2013, she became a host on the start-up Pivot channel and in 2014 assumed the co-host role on Pivot’s TakePart Live until it was canceled later in the year.

McCain is currently the host of the nationally syndicated radio show, America Now. She is also a regular contributor to Fox News Channel.

“I like the juxtaposition of me up against the legends of talk radio. They’re people I’ve feuded with, with Glenn Beck being the number-one person I’ve feuded with in the past. But, in America, there’s room for all different opinions. And the world is changing,” McCain told People in 2015.

4. She Is an Outspoken Critic of Trump

McCain has repeatedly said she won’t vote for either major-party presidential nominee in November.

“I won’t be bullied into voting for Trump or Hillary. This is a garbage election. I truly fear for the future of this country I love so much,” she tweeted this week.

She also slammed voters who have supported Trump, adding that “this is your candidate and your version of the party.”

While making an appearance on “The Five” in August, McCain discussed the “double standard” in how the media covers Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

“When Donald Trump says things, it offends people sometimes and it can be controversial, but when Hillary makes mistakes, people die,” McCain said.

McCain appears to be counting down the days until the presidential election is over, tweeting: “sigh, 90 more days guys.”

5. McCain’s Net Worth Is Estimated at $4 Million

Meghan McCain


McCain has a net worth estimated at $4 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

McCain has described herself as a Republican who is “liberal on social issues.”

She registered as an Independent when she was 18 years old and she voted for John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election, according to a blog post from 2008.

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