On Monday, Vice President Joe Biden surprised reporters on Capitol Hill by suggesting that he might run for President in 2020. Although he would be 77 by the time the 2020 presidential campaign starts and turns 78 on November 20, 2020, fans of the Joe Biden memes quickly embraced the idea.
“Yeah I am. I am going to run in 2020,” he said, adding, “What the hell man, anyway.” He was later quoted as saying that he won’t commit to it just yet.
“I’m not committing not to run,” Biden said. “I’m not committed to anything. I learned a long time ago, fate has a strange way of intervening.”
Here’s some of the best memes and tweets you need to see with the hashtag #Biden2020.
This photo was used in many memes before and it fits any situation.
If Biden gets in the White House as president, hopefully we all get more ice cream.
“Help us Uncle Joe, you’re our only hope.”
Biden wants to take it back.
Some GIFs are necessary.
Biden Strikes Back.
He’s just Biden his time. (That was bad.)
Even Brad Pitt likes the idea.