Florida Governor Rick Scott announced on Tuesday that fees for traveling on toll roads would be lifted starting at 5pm to help Florida residents comply with evacuation orders in anticipation of Hurricane Irma making landfall over the weekend, but some toll stations may still register a transaction when cars pass through.
“Ensuring the safety of Florida families and visitors is our top priority and suspending tolls statewide will help people quickly evacuate and make it easier for all Floridians to access important hurricane supplies to ensure they are fully prepared,” the governor said in a statement.
Scott tweeted a reminder of the toll fee waiver the following morning, but some Florida residents still responded with skepticism:
Chad Huff, the public information manager for Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise within the state Department of Transportation, told Heavy that the “toll equipment in the lane may appear to process a transaction, however customers can rest assured that no toll charge or violation will be assessed.” Huff cautioned that he could only speak for tolls within the Florida Turnpike system.
In the chaos of the approaching storm, other toll roads may take a similar approach, with equipment at toll stations registering a transaction while the toll company prevents any fees from being charged behind the scenes. Consumers on toll roads other than the turnpike who are worried that they are incurring charges should contact the relevant toll authority.