Christine Blasey Ford’s Campaign Donations to Democrats

christine blasey ford
Christine Blasey Ford's campaign donations are to Democrats.

With Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifying in public for the first time against Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, her political leanings have fallen under scrutiny.

Kavanaugh would replace centrist Anthony Kennedy on the court, sparking a pitched political battle for the nation’s highest court. Is Christine Ford a Democrat or Republican? She’s a registered Democrat, according to The Washington Post; that’s the newspaper she allowed to first print her name.

In addition, The Mercury News reported that a friend of Ford’s says Ford attended a women’s march protesting Donald Trump. She has also given relatively small campaign donations to Democrats (you can see screenshots and details later in this article).

Ford works as a professor at Palo Alto University and teaches in consortium with Stanford University. She has written or helped write more than 50 journals, book chapters, and other articles. One study focused on trauma as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that Blasey was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink p*ssy hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights.

“It’s a science party!” the article quotes “biostatistician Christine Blasey, of Palo Alto” as saying. It says she would “wear an elaborately knitted cap of the human brain — yarn turned into a supersized cerebral cortex — inspired by the ‘pussy hats’ donned during the Women’s Marches.” The article describes the march as involving people, in general, who are “deeply worried that political leaders are ignoring scientific evidence, aren’t committed to fighting climate change and are calling for significant cuts to national science programs.” It didn’t specifically attribute those views to Blasey, though.

Kavanaugh has denied the allegations, saying, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”

Here’s what you need to know:

Christine Blasey Ford Donated Money to Bernie Sanders & the Democratic National Committee

Ford’s 1983 yearbook photo

The Washington Post reports that she is a “registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.”

Heavy has reviewed the federal campaign donation website, which lists these donations for Christine Blasey, which is how Ford is known professionally. Among them:

One donation was earmarked for the Democratic National Committee:

One was designated for Bernie Sanders.

In 2014, a donation was earmarked for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

Here is a link to her scholarly works.

Blasey Ford’s lawyer is Debra Katz, a prominent sexual harassment civil rights attorney known in the #metoo movement. According to the FEC website, Katz is a Democratic campaign donor.

Christine Ford Signed a Letter Demanding an End to Trump’s Family Separations at the Border

Christine Ford – whose full name is Christine Blasey Ford and who uses the name Christine Blasey professionally – signed a letter with many other health professionals demanding that Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, and it was used as an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against the Trump administration.

Christine Blasey Ford’s letter may stem from her research into “child maltreatment issues.” For example, she is the co-author on a journal article titled, “Does Gender Moderate the Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Depression?” The abstract for that journal – one of many research articles she’s been involved in – reads in part: “In a sample of 5,673 adult Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) patients, the authors employed the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8) to assess major depressive disorder (MDD) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) to assess five different types of childhood maltreatment: emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, as well as emotional and physical neglect.”

The letter signed by Christine Blasey was also released as a press release on June 14, 2018. “America’s Health Professionals Appeal to Trump Administration: End Family Separation at Border Immediately” it’s headlined. (At the time, the family separation policy was hotly criticized by people on both sides of the political aisle, and Trump eventually said he was changing the policy.)

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