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Phoenix Cop Christopher Meyer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

One of the Phoenix police officers seen threatening to shoot a young Black family suspected of shoplifting a 99-cent doll and a pair of underwear from a dollar store has been identified by a number of news outlets as Christopher Meyer.

And, Meyer’s name is on the police incident report as the “reporting officer.”

The Phoenix police department said that the officers involved on still are the job, albeit assigned to “desk duty.” City documents confirm he Meyer is a Phoenix police officer earning $72,425 a year.

Phoenix police have not officially named Meyer or the other officers involved in the disturbing incident caught on video from multiple angles and from a number of recordings. Two cops are seen as being involved in the attack on the unarmed family but are soon joined by other police officers.

On May 27, a young couple, Dravon Ames, 22, his pregnant fiancée Iesha Harper, 24, and their daughters, Island, 4 and 1-year-old London, had guns pointed at them, were told they’d be shot and are seen being assaulted by officers.

Police were responding to a call about a possible shoplifting incident at a Family Dollar store. Court documents show that the store did not summon police.

With guns drawn, and while screaming orders rife with repeated f-bombs, cops surrounded the family and soon was escalated by police into a frightening and shocking scene. It’s reported they were not wearing body cameras and, a lawsuit alleges, did not initially file a report.

“I thought we were all going to be executed,” Ames said. “I haven’t been able to sleep …it just keeps flashing back, the gun …the barrel pointed at my face.”

You can watch the video of the incident below:

The full video released by the family’s lawyers shows more of the incident:

There are a number of videos from various angles. In one, officers can be heard screaming and cursing at the couple in front of their children to “put your f*****g hands up.” A cop is seen pointing a gun at the car, with children inside, while another cop yells, “You’re gonna f*****g get shot!”

An officer is seen slamming Ames’ face against a cruiser and kicks his legs and punches him in the back while he’s pinned to the police car. “When I tell you to do something, you f*****g do it,” the cop yells at Ames a number of times. Ames says he’s complying.

An officer is seen trying to snatch Harper’s baby out of her arms. He screams at her to put her hands up while she’s holding her baby. Then screams at her to put the baby down on the pavement.

Harper said that a cop told her he could have “shot you in front of your f*****g kids” as she was arrested, handcuffed and placed inside a police cruiser.

The chilling threat that can be heard on the video that has stunned people the most from police called to a possible shoplifting incident, is this: “I’m gonna put a cap right in your f*****g head!”

The complaint against the city obtained by Heavy, which can be read below, reads that officer is named “Myer, Meyer or Meyers.”

Late Friday afternoon, police issued a statement. They claim that the couple had stolen underwear from the dollar store and say that they “quickly” drove away and were pursued. The couple told police about the doll, police admit in the statement. But police also claim “the man,” presumably Ames, threw a pair of “stolen” underwear out of the car window. Police also admit they did not believe the family was armed. They said that since the dollar store wasn’t interested in prosecuting the couple, no charges were filed. But Ames, police allege, was driving with a suspended license and that led to his car being impounded. Police described the entire incident, the violent arrest and threats to shoot the family, as, “a man and woman in the car were taken into custody and detained.”

The full statement is below.

Then Friday night, Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams posted a video statement to Facebook. She spoke about her officers “making contact” with the couple. She said, “like you, I’m disturbed by the language and action of our officer,” saying the incident is “not representative of the majority” of the police department.

The full minute-long video is below.

By Saturday night, a new post from the Phoenix police. This time a “facts sheet.”

Meanwhile, Jay-Z and his company Roc Nation have committed to help support the family. Roc Nation Managing Director of Philanthropy Dania Diaz said the incident was “absolutely sickening.”

“There is no place for that behavior in our world – let alone our justice system – and we are calling for the immediate termination of the police officers in question,” Diaz said. “We are committed to supporting the family to ensure that justice is served.”

Phoenix mayor Kate Gallego tweeted out a forceful statement late Saturday condemning the officer’s actions and promising body-worn cameras will be used by all officers by summer’s end and she has called for the police chief to meet with the public and “listen directly to concerns.”

“Three is no situation where this behavior is ever close to acceptable,” she wrote.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Phoenix Police Department Police Officer Christopher Meyer’s Version of Events Doesn’t Match Up With Video Evidence. He’s Heard Yelling at Ames, ‘I’m Gonna F*****g Put a Cap Right in Your F*****g Head.’

Heavy obtained the police report written by Meyer. What he wrote is largely the narrative so far: the couple’s child took a dollar store Barbie-like doll and the family was pursued based on that shoplifting incident. But, it reads that the couple were combative and non-complaint when finally stopped, despite the videos all showing the opposite.

Meyer also wrote that the couple admitted to having a stolen $.99 doll in the car and, the report reads, Ames said there was a pair of underwear that had been taken. Meyer wrote that the couple admitted to being “scared” of the police: “He stated that he was sorry and that he was very scared,” Meyer wrote about Ames.

“She stated that they went to the Food City and while they were there, her aunt decided to go into the dollar store with Iesha’s daughter,” he wrote. The aunt was arrested for outstanding warrants.

“Iesha stated that she knew they did not have any money and when the child walked out of the the store with the doll, she knew they had to have stolen it. When they got in the car and started to drive away, she heard the police officer tell Dravon to stop, but he did not,” hear, she said. Meyer wrote that Harper reportedly told Ames to “stop but he did not and he was scared.”

Meyer wrote that he was in “fear” when Harper did not comply with his order to put her hands up. He wrote that since she had her hands down, she was reaching for a weapon. Harper said she could not raise her arms because she was holding her baby.

Additionally, what the report does not state is that he and another officer gave mixed commands, held the family at gunpoint, threatened to shoot and kill them, and manhandled, indeed assaulted, court documents allege, Ames, Harper and her baby she was holding.

There is no mention of threats to shoot members of the family. Meyer characterizes the couple as being “loud” and non-compliant.

Meyer also wrote twice that both Ames and Harper were “reaching” for what he apparently thought were guns.

“Dravon began to yell at me that he did not do anything wrong and began to reach towards the center of the vehicle between the front seats. I drew my handgun to contact ready and continued to give him very loud commands. Dravon began to comply and put is hands up above the steering wheel.”

In reference to Harper, he wrote: “I could see at least two people in the back seat. they were moving around frantically. I gave commands to Iesha to raise her hands in the air. she refused to get her hands up and stated “I have my child in here, I am not putting my hands up” she continued to refuse to put her hands in the air and continued to keep them down by the seat. I feared that she was hiding something or was reaching for a weapon.”

2. Meyer & Another Officer ‘Held Toddlers & a Pregnant Woman at Gunpoint & Terrorized & Tortured a Young Father,’ Former Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne Wrote in the Family’s $10 Million Lawsuit Against Phoenix

“The police officers committed battery, unlawful imprisonment, false arrest, infliction of emotional distress, and violation of civil rights under the fifth and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution,” the claim reads in part.

The claim states that Ames and Harper had been shopping at the dollar store and were pulling in to their babysitter’s building a few blocks away when police pulled in behind them: “There had been no sirens or lights prior to that indicating that they should stop their car. A police officer, who we believe is named Meyer, came to the front driver side of the car with a gun pulled, pulled open the door, and stated to the father: “I’m going to put a cap in your ass.’ Later he stated ‘I’m gonna shoot you in your fucking face.’ Both statements were in front of the children in the back of the car.”

But in the incident report written by Meyer, he never mentions his threats to shoot Ames. He does not mention the kick of Ames’ legs, which can be seen in the video.

A local clergy member advocating for, and speaking on behalf of, the family says that the Phoenix police department’s claim that it will investigate to see whether excessive force was used is stunning in its audacity.

“Clearly, excessive force was used. Clearly, policies and procedure were not followed. Clearly, body cameras were not being utilized. Clearly, the officers felt empowered to be disrespectful and abusive,” said Reverend Jarrett Maupin. “What we demand to know is, what kind of background these officers have? They held toddlers and a pregnant woman at gunpoint, grabbed a mother and infant by the neck, dislocated a 1-year-old’s arm, endangered a delicate pregnancy, terrorized and tortured a young father, and nobody was charged or jailed. These officers must be held accountable. We want justice.”

In an email to Heavy, Maupin said, more than 10 independent eyewitnesses have agreed to come forward and cooperate with the family’s lawyers and with any investigations that may be conducted.

“We have an unprecedented number of citizens coming forward to share footage and give eye-witness accounts. So many residents were shocked to see police being so abusive with a pregnant mother and kids. So many people were concerned that the father was going to end up dead because of police brutality and the violence of officers,” Maupin said.

In the second video, which Maupin believes “is worse than the first …officers are acting like bullies and thugs. They endangered an unborn child and traumatized two toddlers. Shame on them and shame on the department for not suspending them immediately – without pay.”

3. Non Mincing Words, Horne Says Myers & Other Officers ‘Committed Battery, Unlawful Imprisonment, False Arrest, Infliction of Emotional Distress, & Violation of Civil Rights …’

The complaint goes on to describe the accounts of Ames, Harper, and what is seen and heard clearly on the videos:

“The police officer then went to the back door on the driver side but could not open it because it was malfunctioning. He banged on the rear window. The mother and the two children were in the backseat on the driver side. The police officer said
‘open the fucking door.’ The mother said, ‘the door won’t open.’ The police officer said “put your fucking hands up”. The mother said ‘my hands are up,’ which they were at the time.”

“A second officer came with a gun to the front seat on the driver side and pointed it at the father. The first officer pulled the father out of the car. The father did not resist in any way then or at any time. The officer put the father on the ground, and pushed the father’s head onto the hot pavement. The father tried to protest that he was complying and not resisting. The officer stated, falsely, that he was resisting. The officer stated “you have to do what I fucking tell you”. The officer handcuffed the father on the ground. There was no resistance. The handcuffs were too tight. The first officer then yanked up the father by his hands, threw his head against the door of the car which closed the door, and then threw him up against the back of the car. He told the father to spread his legs, which the father did. The officer kicked him in the right leg so hard that the father collapsed, and then the officer yanked him back up. He kept his knee between the father’s legs. He punched the father very hard in the back for no reason.”

“More officers arrived, put the father in a police car, and kept them there for an hour. They did not loosen the handcuffs until after 1/2 hour in the car. They asked him “did you steal the fucking car”. He responded that he owned the car, which was a true statement. The first officer issued a ticket but put another officer’s name on the ticket. The car was impounded with no justification. The father now was unable to get to work. He had been gainfully employed at a warehouse. He is limping, cannot stand straight or carry weight. All of this is reducing his earning capacity.”

Meanwhile, as the interaction with Ames was occurring, the other officer went for the mother.

“The first officer then pointed the gun again at the mother and the children. The second officer walked around the car and continued to point a gun at the mother and the children. The mother was pregnant, which was obvious from her appearance.
The mother and children exited from the rear driver side. The first officer grabbed the mother and the baby around both of their necks, and tried to take the baby out of the mother’s hand. He told her to put the baby on the ground, which she was
unwilling to do because the baby could not walk, and the ground consisted of hot pavement. The first officer pulled the baby by the arm to get her away from the mother, which injured the arm, in a condition known as ‘dead arm.'”

“The mother gave the child to a lady bystander. The officers then handcuffed her, which hurt her arm. The mother and father both had bruises on her arms. The officer threw her into the police car face first. She was kept in the car for 15 minutes. The first officer, Meyer, came back and yelled at her. He kept saying, “I could have shot you in front of your fuc*ing kids.”

But Meyer’s version differs: “Iesha was then removed from the vehicle. She was hold(ing) a small child about a year old and holding the hand of a second child about five years old. I told her to set the child down in the shaded area. She became loud, verbally abusive, and refused our commands. She refused to go to the shaded area and refused to put the child down. There were several people coming out of there apartment watching the incident, Iesha continued to be loud, refuse commands, walk away, and not comply with our orders.”

Attorney Horne wrote that the dollar store “made no complaint, and the police proceeded on the basis of what they were told by some anonymous alleged witness.”

Horne wrote that the Phoenix police “committed battery, unlawful imprisonment, false arrest, infliction of emotional distress, and violation of civil rights under the fifth and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution …”

Tragically, the child, “Island has been having nightmares and wetting her bed, which she has not done before this incident.”

“Just think, that four-year old girl, one of her *first memories* will be of a cop pointing a gun at her mommy while threatening to kill her. Think about that. That’s important here. Poor child. How will she ever feel safe again?”

4. Phoenix Police Said They’re Investigating But Added Officers Were Pursuing Shoplifters; They Allege the Couple Stole a Pair of Underwear From the Dollar Store. The Couple Admitted Their Daughter Had Taken a $.99 Doll

Phoenix TV news quoted Phoenix Police Sgt. Tommy Thompson as saying Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams “has called for an investigation by the Professional Standards Bureau.”

In a Facebook post, Thompson wrote:

“On June 11, 2019, we were provided video of an officer taking two individuals into custody while investigating a shoplifting incident in the area of 3200 East Roosevelt Street. This occurred after the suspect vehicle was stopped a short distance from the scene of the theft. It involved a man and a woman with two small children. Please be advised, there is some language which might be considered offensive. The video is intentionally blurred for redaction purposes.”

Many noted that of the other videos available of the incident, Phoenix police Sgt. Thompson used this video, where bystanders can be heard.

“You take this seriously, Sgt. Thompson, then these officers are fired with no further review and without pension or benefits of any kind. This is all the evidence that is necessary, and then some. You should probably be fired as well.”

“I lost quite a bit of respect for you guys regarding this post. First you mute/ blur down the video to flip the story a bit ..then I see the actual unaltered clip…you need to admit that you have a rogue cop with serious anger issues that will eventually cost someone their life.”

“The Phoenix Police Department takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and for this reason, this incident is currently being investigated by the Professional Standards Bureau.”

The comments on this post are almost entirely critical of police.

“Disgusting behavior on the police officers’ part, and in front of children, AND the woman is pregnant. Those police officers need to be fired and the rest of the department needs to go through intensive training. This is absolutely unacceptable. SHAME ON YOUR ENTIRE DEPARTMENT FOR HIRING THESE PEOPLE AND FOR THE LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRAINING. You need a major overhaul if this is how our tax dollars are being spent.”

“FIRE THIS OFFICER IMMEDIATELY. Everyone in the department is also in question. Including whoever chose this version of the video to post.”

“You are not protecting. You are harming. You are the thugs and people to fear. Fire these officers and agree to prosecute. How dare you do this to children.”

“Both officers used overly excessive force! Why did your officer kick his leg then told him he wasn’t cooperating?? Why are your officers threatening to shoot this woman?? Wtf!! I want to see both officer FIRED!!”

Per a report from Phoenix New Times, Phoenix police released a statement noting officers “did not believe the family to be in possession of any weapons” They were pursuing them because they “allegedly stole food and underwear from a dollar store.”

“On May 27, 2019, at approximately 11:17 a.m., a Phoenix Police Officer was investigating an unrelated shoplifting at a store in the area of 1600 N. 36th Street, when he was advised by store employees of another shoplifting. The officer was directed to some individuals who were getting into a vehicle. He observed a woman drop a “food foil,” when she saw him. As he walked towards the vehicle, the car quickly backed up and started to leave parking lot. It stopped at McDowell Road, and one of the women got out and the car drove away. The woman was detained by the officer. It was later found the woman he detained had three misdemeanor warrants for her arrest. She was later booked for the warrants.

“A description of the vehicle was broadcasted over the radio. The vehicle was located a short distance from the store near 32nd Street and McDowell Road and it was followed into the parking lot of an apartment complex in the area of 3200 E. Roosevelt Street, where a man and woman in the car were taken into custody and detained. After being advised of her rights, the woman who had been detained, said her aunt and child went into the store and when she saw her child walk out of the store with a doll, she believed they had stolen it, because they didn’t have any money.

She heard the officer who approached the car in the parking lot tell the driver to stop several times, but he didn’t. After being advised of his rights, the man said he knew they had shoplifted from the store and that he threw a pair of underwear out the window, because he knew they were stolen. In addition, he stated he knew he was driving on a suspended driver license. Because the property was returned, the store employees said they did not desire prosecution, so no one was charged with the shoplifting. The man however, was cited and his vehicle was impounded, due to his driving on a suspended license.”

Friday night, the police chief posted a video statement to Facebook.

The responses to Williams’ statement were mostly from incredulous residents.

Rob Jones wrote: “Every word that officer spoke and every single action he made is disgusting. Nice question about insinuating that the car was stolen… telling them to keep their hands up but wanting them to open the door to get out…pulling a gun on them WHY??? If I was in the car, I would be seriously in fear of being shot. That officer is nothing more than a menacing, terrorizing criminal hiding behind a badge. And unfortunately I would NOT have had the same experience if it was me because I am white.”

Facebook user Cyn Tyler-Felt, wrote simply, and as one person pointed out, “profoundly,” that: “In this day and age I guess the bright side is we’re not talking about a dead family.”

Among the more than 3,500 comments that had the most social engagement on the Phoenix police Facebook post from Williams were:

“You know…’I apologize on behalf of the Phoenix PD’ would go a long way. I hope this family wins a very large settlement from your Police Department and can move somewhere they don’t have to fear for their lives.”

“Thank God for the citizen who recorded this incident. Hopefully an actual investigation is taking place rather than another “we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”

Meanwhile, as was reported by Meg O’Connor of the New Phoenix Times, Williams’ assurance that the actions witnessed in the video are not representative of the majority of police officers may not ring entirely true.

“I assure you this incident is not representative of the majority of Phoenix police officers who serve this city,” it’s just representative of the 8 or so officers who were on the scene & allowed this all to happen, & this isn’t representative of PPD either…”

5. Combing Through Thousands of Comments on Social Media, There’s Virtually None That Excuse the Actions of Myers & the Other As-of-Now Unnamed Police Officers

A seemingly global sense of outrage is shared in tweets like these:

“@phoenixpolice I’d like to report an assault on May 29th,” one Twitter user wrote. “Suspect is a white male wearing a Phoenix Police Officers uniform. He was seen threatening to shoot a family of black people outside a dollar store. Suspect is ARMED and DANGEROUS and remains at large within the PPD!”

“I don’t like speaking like this,” another user tweeted, “Because I only say what I mean. This officer or any other that points a weapon in the direction of my children would have to defend their life. He is very fortunate these people are not trained and armed as many of us are.”

And another example from Twitter, from which there thousands more: “Guns should be drawn over imminent PHYSICAL threats.
A Barbie Doll theft is NOT a physical threat, but rather a PROPERTY crime. Let me know if you need help with training your officers.”

“What in the world are you training your officers to do that they treat a woman with a baby like this,” another Twitter user asked. “Unbelievable!”

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One of the Phoenix police officers who threatened to kill a young Black family suspected of shoplifting a 99-cent doll and pair of underwear from a dollar store is named as Christopher Meyer.