Mary Ann Mendoza: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Mary Ann Mendoza, an “angel mom,” was banned from Twitter after sending Tweets about immigration Twitter determined were “hateful.” In response, President Donald Trump tweeted he would help her.

Mendoza is a fierce critic of open borders and sanctuary cities. Her son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, died in a head-on collision when an intoxicated undocumented immigrant hit him when Mendoza was leaving work March 12, 2014. She is known for her activism as an “angel mom” and acerbic tweets.

She apparently went too far for Twitter’s “hate conduct” policy this week. Mendoza was suspended from Twitter after a series of tweets including one to U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, who is running for the Democratic nomination for President.

“@KamalaHarris what law can I break and have you defend me so staunchly? Provide me sanctuary from our laws? Political cleanup from YOUR INACTION FOR DECADES is what it’s called. You have #bloodonyourhands for every death of an American killed by an ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL you are protecting,” she Tweeted, according to screenshots obtained by Breitbart.

Mendoza appeared on Fox & Friends Sunday morning, saying she finds it suspicious the suspension came shortly after she announced she would be on the advisory board for Women for Trump. She said the timing was suspicious because she has been using “the same type of verbiage and language” since her son died five years ago.

She was also suspended from Facebook after posting the tweets in a post, telling her Facebook followers she was suspended from Twitter.

Twitter asked her to delete six tweets they said violates their “hateful conduct policy,” which Mendoza said she will not do. She said on Fox & Friends she is planning to file a lawsuit against Twitter.

Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday morning, “I will help Angel Mom (and great woman) Mary Ann Mendoza with Twitter. I know Mary Ann from the beginning, and she should never be silenced. She is a winner who has lost so much, her child. Twitter, if you’re watching, please do what you have to do, NOW! @foxandfriends”

Here’s what you need to know:

1. She Was Banned From Twitter Over Tweets To Kamala Harris & Others

Mary Ann Mendoza was suspended from Facebook and Twitter after a series of tweets Twitter said violated their hateful conduct policy.

Mendoza shared a series of tweets with Breitbart, which she said Twitter sent her in its suspension notice. The notice asked her to delete the tweets, which she refused to do.

“I am speaking the truth and Twitter’s not gonna shut me down,” she said on Fox & Friends.

She believes the problem is with the use of the term “illegal aliens.” She said Twitter did not expand on its reasons after sending her the notice, which included six tweets they said violated the policy, and a copy of its hateful conduct policy.

The policy says, “Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. We also do not allow accounts whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others on the basis of these categories.”

“They said that it was hateful content that I had put out on Twitter,” she said on Fox & Friends. They told me that I had to delete all six tweets that they had sent me, and I’m refusing to do it. I have appealed it twice now. This is the same type of verbiage and language I have been using for five years, and i’m finding it a little strange. I ended up posting those same tweets on Facebook letting everybody know that I had been suspended on Twitter, and then Facebook put me in jail also for the same tweets that I had pictured on Facebook.”

Mendoza also defended a hashtag she frequently uses, #bloodontheirhands, which she said she often sends to officials who support immigration policies she opposes.

“The lack of doing anything, accountability at our borders, is actually creating more Americans being killed by illegal aliens, and they do have blood on their hands every time another American is killed because they’re not doing anything about it,” she said.

She said Twitter did not give her any further explanation. Fox & Friends read a statement they received, which said, “Whenever we determine that a tweet breaks our rules, we require the account owner to remove it before continuing to Twitter. When we do this, the account owner receives a notification from us.”

2. Trump Tweeted He Would Help Her

Trump vowed to help Mendoza, calling her “a great woman” and “a winner.”

“I will help Angel Mom (and great woman) Mary Ann Mendoza with Twitter. I know Mary Ann from the beginning, and she should never be silenced. She is a winner who has lost so much, her child. Twitter, if you’re watching, please do what you have to do, NOW! @foxandfriends”

The tweet drew attention from others who say they support Mendoza, some using the “blood on their hands” hashtag.

“Twitter thinks by stopping Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza on the Twitter platform that it will silence her. WRONG! It’ll only amplify her voice,” one person wrote on Twitter.

“@Twitter has #bloodontheirhands for suspending #angelmom #MaryAnneMendoza,” another tweet said.

3. Mendoza Shared Tweets Twitter Said Were In Violation

Mary Ann Mendoza shared five tweets with Breitbart. She told the outlet Twitter gave her a notification that said the Tweets were in violation of the hateful conduct policy, along with six tweets.

“@KamalaHarris what law can I break and have you defend me so staunchly? Provide me sanctuary from our laws? Political cleanup from YOUR INACTION FOR DECADES is what it’s called. You have #bloodonyourhands for every death of an American killed by an ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL you are protecting,” she Tweeted, according to screenshots obtained by <a href="" one tweet said.

“@NeverAgainAct Meanwhile, 4,300+ Americans are KILLED EVERY YEAR by ILLEGAL ALIENS in the US. What do you have to say about that NEVER AGAIN?!?” she wrote.

“@SpeakerPelosi Americans are torn apart every hour by ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS. EVERY HOUR,” Mendoza wrote on Twitter.

4. Her Son, Police Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, Was Killed In A Crash With An Intoxicated Undocumented Immigrant

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Mary Ann Mendoza’s son, police Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, died March 12, 2014 in a car crash with an undocumented immigrant who was on methamphetamines and driving three times over the legal limit on alcohol, according to her website. The other driver had driven the wrong way for 35 miles on four different highways before slamming into her son, who was leaving his shift at work, she wrote.

“Brandon had many dreams of what he wanted to continue achieving in his life and had just completed the renovation of the Guerrero Park area in Mesa,” her website says. “He changed the neighborhood forever with his relentless drive to make it a safe place for the families and especially the children of the area. He worked with the City of Mesa Building Code Division to have landlords bring their rental properties up to code to provide a safe living environment for renters. He made friends with everyone he met. the community knew they could trust him and he was there for them.”

She has fought against immigration policies she believes led to her son’s death.

“I have earned the right to my political opinion on Border Security,” she wrote on Twitter. “Politicians have made it political. My son became collateral damage & they don’t want to meet with me. They OWE me a face to face so I can tell them THEY have manufactured these lies they are telling Americans.”

She told Fox & Friends she will not delete the tweets Twitter said violates its policy, and plans to file a lawsuit.

“My voice is my son’s voice. My son has been silenced, and now twitter and Facebook have been taken it up themselves to silence me, too,” she said.

Mendoza Is On The Advisory Board for Women For Trump

Mary Ann Mendoza told Fox & Friends she believes her Twitter suspension is because of the recent announcement she would be on the advisory board of Women for Trump.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but i am refusing to remove those tweets because it’s not hateful,” she said on the show.

Mendoza also claimed she has received threatening messages on Twitter, and Twitter did not respond when she reported them.

“I’ve had people tweet to me, ‘Your son deserved to die. I hope you die the same way your son did, at the hands of a drunk illegal alien,’ I have reported them to Twitter and Twitter has done nothing about that. That’s hate.” she said.

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