New Hampshire Primary Live Stream: Watch Results Coverage Online


Today is the first primary in the Democratic race. After what happened in Iowa with the Caucus results now facing a recount, all eyes are on New Hampshire. You can watch the results online right here through the following embedded live streams showing news coverage around the country.

Watch Coverage of the Results Online Here

Today, most of the polls will be closing at either 7 or 8 p.m. Eastern. So official results should start being announced within an hour of the polls closing. This is not a winner-take-all state, so as long as a candidate gets at least 15 percent of the vote, they will receive some delegates that are awarded proportionally.

First, here is a live stream from CBS. This coverage will show what’s happening throughout the state, as candidates campaign and updates roll in.

And next is coverage from Fox 10 Phoenix of the New Hampshire primary. The video below may periodically skip to other news coverage, but it will come back to primary news consistently.

NBC News, meanwhile, has a primary live stream that will go live closer to when the polls close.


PBS News Hour is also offering live coverage of the primary.

In New Hampshire, 24 pledged delegates are at stake. The state has a total of 33 delegates. The 24 delegates are pledged based on the voting results in the primary, as long as a candidate gets at least 15 percent of the vote.

Sixteen district delegates are pledged proportionally based on primary results in the congressional districts, The Green Papers explains, and then eight are pledged based on the primary vote statewide (five at-large National Convention delegates and three pledged PLEOs.) On top of that, there are nine unpledged PLEOs (these are essentially superdelegates, but they don’t vote in the Democratic National Convention until the second ballot.) These unpledged delegates include five DNC members and four members of Congress (two Representatives and two Senators.)

The Democratic National Convention will take place July 13-16. According to Ballotpedia, there will be 4,750 delegates total, including 3,979 pledged and 771 automatic (more commonly known as superdelegates.) In order to not have a contested convention, a candidate needs 1,991 pledged delegates on the first ballot. (Superdelegates aren’t allowed to vote on the first ballot.) If no candidate gets this majority of pledged delegates, then a second ballot (or more) will take place and both pledged and automatic delegates can vote this time. From then on, a candidate needs the majority of all delegates to win, which is more than 2,375 votes.

The candidates on the New Hampshire ballot for the Democratic primary will include a number who have already dropped out. According to The Green Papers, the list on the ballot includes:

  • Michael Bennet
  • Joe Biden
  • Cory A. Booker
  • Mosemarie Dora “Mosie” Boyd
  • Steve Bullock
  • Steve Burke
  • Pete Buttigieg
  • Julián Castro
  • Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, III
  • John Kevin Delaney
  • Jason Evritte Dunlap
  • Michael A. Ellinger
  • Tulsi Gabbard
  • Ben “Gleib” Gleiberman
  • Mark Stewart Greenstein
  • Kamala Harris
  • Henry Hewes
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Tom Koos
  • Lorenz Kraus
  • Rita Krichevsky
  • Raymond Michael Moroz
  • Deval Patrick
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Joseph A. “Joe” Sestak, Jr.
  • Sam Sloan
  • Tom Steyer
  • David John Thistle
  • Thomas James Torgesen
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Robert Carr “Robby” Wells, Jr.
  • Marianne Williamson
  • Andrew Yang

This is a developing story.

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