Justin Amash’s Religion: What Is His Faith?


Justin Amash has launched an exploratory committee to seek the Libertarian Party’s Presidential nomination. His parents are both immigrants — in fact, his father’s family were refugees in Palestine because of their Christian faith. Amash continues to hold fast to those beliefs in his own life and has publicly said that he is an Orthodox Christian. His faith is a very important part of his life.

On June 21, 2016, he shared that he’s Antioch Orthodox Christian.

According to the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, the Orthodox Church was the first church founded by Jesus and described in the New Testament. The church has an unbroken history traced back to Christ and the 12 disciples. The site says that Paul and Barnabas established the church in 42 AD and Peter was the first prelate.

Justin Amash’s bio from when he ran for Congress also noted that he and his family are Christians. It read, in part: “Justin’s Christian faith is an important part of who he is. It informs his values, principles, and dedication to contributing to his neighbors and country through the political process.”

Amash’s mom, Mimi, is a Syrian Christian and his father, Attallah, is a Palestinian Christian. They met in Damascus, Syria through family friends. The two married in 1974.

When Ilhan Omar tweeted in January 2019 that the 116th Congress included the first Palestinian-American, Amash replied: “My father is Palestinian, and I’ve been in Congress since 2011… I should add that my mother is Syrian! I’m proud of my heritage on both sides, though I more often have mentioned my father’s background because he was a refugee.”

He often speaks proudly about his parents and their background. He tweeted about them in November 2019, writing: “I’m grateful to God for my family, friends, and staff; for America and all who defend our Constitution; for the American people, who welcomed my refugee father and immigrant mother; for the many people who greet me with kindness each day.”

Justin Amash’s father was 16 when he came to America as a Palestinian refugee. Amash wrote on Twitter that his dad’s family had been expelled from their home in 1948 for being Christians, and they came to the U.S. in 1956 as refugees.

In September 2018, Amash shared this is great aunt was an Orthodox Christian.

Amash himself is a practicing Christian, along with his wife and family. His faith is part of the reason why he’s pro-life. His bio from when he ran for Congress reads: “As a pro-life conservative, Justin believes that unborn children are human beings endowed with a right to life that no one may take from them.”

On December 24, 2017, he wrote on Facebook: “Merry Christmas! Christ is Born! Glorify Him!”

In June 2016, he explained that God is often referred to as Allah outside of the Muslim faith, too. He wrote: “Visit my Orthodox Christian Church, where we regularly refer to God as Allah… Christianity and Judaism predate Islam. Since long ago—and still today—Christians and Jews refer to God as Allah, Alaha, Elohim, etc.” This was part of a discussion on what words Christians use for God.

He wrote in response to one person: “Have you ever considered what word Arabic-speaking Christians use for God? Not everyone speaks English.”

He also referenced his faith on February 5 when writing a grateful tweet to Mitt Romney.

He wrote: “Thank you, @SenatorRomney, for upholding your oath to support and defend the Constitution. You will never regret putting your faith in God and doing right according to the law and your conscience.” 

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