Jesus Crucifixion Reenactment Death: Sule Ambrose Dies

jesus crucifixion reenactment

Luminous Radio Gboko, Getty Suel Ambrose and a different Jesus crucifixion reenactment

A student in Nigeria named Sule Ambrose has died during a Jesus crucifixion reenactment.

According to BBC, Ambrose, who wanted to be a priest, died during an Easter Passion play, but his cause of death remains unclear. One witness reported that he was bleeding.

Ambrose died while “taking part in a reenactment of Jesus’s crucifixion,” Fox News reported. The death reports appear to be true; they have been reported by credible media in the United Kingdom, Nigeria, and the United States.

Luminous Radio Gboko, which published photos of Ambrose on Facebook, gave his name as Sule Ambrose and wrote that his last words were, “I will die with you.” Some sites spelled his name as Suel Ambrose.

The page reported:

It was a sad Good Friday at the Claratian University of Nigeria, Nekede, Imo State as a seminarian who was acting as ‘Peter’ in the Passion of Christ drama slumped while acting. The Benue born Sule Ambrose gave up the ghost before he could be taken to a hospital. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the Mercy of God rest in peace. Amen

Here’s what you need to know:

Ambrose Played Simon Peter in the Jesus Crucifixion Reenactment, Reports Say

According to Fox News, Ambrose wasn’t playing Jesus during the play; he was playing Jesus’s disciple Simon Peter.

BBC reported that Ambrose was studying to be a priest at Claratian Institute of Philosophy. He collapsed during the play and was rushed to a hospital, where he later died, according to BBC

Vanguard reported that Ambrose, 25, was performing in the play “at Nekede in Owerri West Local Government Area of Imo State.”

The Passion Play depicted the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as part of traditional Easter celebrations.

Ambrose Fell Down & Began to Bleed During the Jesus Crucifixion Reenactment, Reports Say

GettyA passion play in Mexico City

According to Vanguard, a person at the university named Micheal Eluwa claimed that Ambrose said “fell down and, after some time, he started bleeding while acting in the passion of Christ drama.”

The site reported that the incident occurred on Good Friday in April 2022.

“At the time the incident occurred everybody came together and rushed the deceased to a school hospital and later, when the case became worse, he was taken to a nearly Federal Medical Center, FMC. It was from there we heard he could not survive it,” Eluwa told Vanguard.

“Initially when it happened we thought it was a joke, and that it was part of the drama, it was when he could not get up that was when we knew it was a serious matter and he was rushed to hospital.”

Chukwuemeka Iheme was named as an official at the school, who said the school would address the death at a later time, according to Vanguard.

The Guardian Nigeria reported that Ambrose was a philosophy student.

That site reported that Ambrose “fell to the ground after the biblical scene where he cuts the ear of one of the soldiers in an effort to prevent Jesus’ arrest.”

According to the Guardian, Ambrose’s friends said he had been “vocal” about wanting to be a priest when he completed his current studies.

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