How Many Attended Trump’s Georgia Rally? See Crowd Size Photos

How many attended Trump's Georgia rally? crowd size photos

Getty Trump and the crowd at his Georgia rally.

President Donald Trump spoke at a post-election rally in Georgia on Saturday, December 5 where he encouraged attendees to vote in the Georgia runoffs. How many people attended his rally? Here are all the details about how many were there, along with crowd photos from the Georgia rally.

Thousands of People Attended Trump’s Georgia Runoff Rally

GettySupporters listen as President Donald Trump speaks.

The rally took place at the Valdosta Regional Airport in Valdosta, Georgia, according to Trump’s website. It was described as a rally hosted by the Republican National Committee, featuring Trump as one of the speakers. Senator David Perdue, Senator Kelly Loeffler, and Public Service Commissioner Lauren “Bubba” McDonald were also expected to attend.

Brendan Gutenschwager, an independent reporter, reported a few hours before Trump’s arrival that there were already a couple of thousand people at the rally, and more were still arriving.

The Washington Times reported during the event that the crowd numbered in “several thousand” attendees.

Here’s a photo of the crowd before Trump’s arrival, showing the venue appearing to be full.

A large crowd was waiting for the President 90 minutes before he was scheduled to speak.

First Lady Melania Trump spoke first, followed by President Donald Trump.

GettyFirst Lady Melania Trump joined the President.

Melania Trump told the crowd that it was important to vote and exercise their rights.

While Trump spoke, the crowd chanted “Four more years!” off and on during his speech.

GettyPeople begin to arrive for a President Donald Trump rally in support of Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) and Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) on December 05, 2020.

Near the beginning of his speech, Trump said: “We won Florida, we won Ohio, we won big, big… if you win Florida and you win Ohio in history you’ve never lost an election.”

Trump also told the crowd: “You know, we won Georgia.” However, President-Elect Joe Biden was announced to have won Georgia by a little more than 12,000 votes, WISN reported. He claimed that he would be a “very gracious loser” if he lost.

Trump also spoke a lot about Biden during his speech, drawing boos from the crowd when he said Biden’s name. He also claimed that China and Iran were happy about the results of the election.

At times, the crowd yelled “I love you!” or other times, “Stop the steal!”

GettySupporters listen as President Donald Trump speaks at a rally to support Republican Senate candidates at Valdosta Regional Airport in Valdosta, Georgia on December 5, 2020.

Trump also played a video during the rally about Stacey Abrams, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others, labeling them “radical liberal.”

Some Attendees Called Fox News ‘Traitors’

GettySupporters listen as President Donald Trump speaks.

Reporters who attended the event noted some interesting things that happened during the rally. The WiFi password for Trump’s Georgia event was “RiggedElection!”

Sarah Gough of Sky News reported that attendees yelled at Fox News journalists, saying things like, “We trusted you!” and “Traitors!”

But during the rally, the crowd also chanted, “CNN sucks!”

Here’s what it was like for volunteers as they arrived and had their health screening.

You can watch Trump’s speech from the rally on the video below.

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