The accused Freeman High School shooter was extremely active across his various social media pages. On September 13, Caleb Sharpe, a sophomore at Freeman, was accused of going to his school, 12 miles south of Spokane, and shooting four students. One of those students, a fellow sophomore referred to as Sharpe’s “best friend,” died after being shot in the head. That student was named as Sam Strahan.
Sharpe’s obsession with certain TV shows is clear from his social media pages. On his Facebook page, Sharpe jokes that he works at the Krusty Krab, a reference to Spongebob Squarepants. While on his Instagram page, where Sharpe goes by the moniker Walrus Meat, Sharpe’s most recent post makes a reference to Breaking Bad. While on June 21, Sharpe wrote that Netflix’s controversial series 13 Reasons Why was the “Best show on Netflix.”
The Washington Post wrote extensively about the cultural impact of 13 Reasons Why, particularly the viewpoint that the show was encouraging teenage self-harm.
There are also references to Game of Thrones and American Dad as well as movies American Psycho and the Star Wars franchise.
In a May 2017 YouTube video, the accused Freeman High School shooter made a video showing him having a mock shootout with a friend. Caleb Sharpe created the video under his YouTube moniker Mongo Walker. The video in question is titled “J-Baumb kills Mongo.” It shows the suspect and a friend running with toy guns while shooting at each other. Sound effects are added to make the gunshots appear real. In one part of the video, Sharpe shoots a person who identifies himself as a civilian.
At the time of writing, Sharpe’s YouTube, Facebook and one of his Instagram pages has been removed. One Instagram page, Hell Yeah Batman, remains. The last post on that page came from August 22.
Here are the posts you need to see from that page: