St. Patrick’s Day, typically a day of fun, finding four leaf clovers, and drinking green beer, for the GOP, was a day they’d photoshop an old DUI mug shot of 2020 presidential nominee Beto O’Rourke and get slammed for it on Twitter. With the caption, “On this St. Paddy’s Day, a special message from noted Irishman Robert Francis O’Rourke.”
Now, this could all be in good fun if it wasn’t for the fact that the GOP also has party members with past DUI mug shots, and for the fact that many find this “joke” to be racist. Plus, if we’re only judging people on the one worst day of their life, then Republican party’s Twitter should’ve thought twice before sending out the thirsty tweet. Nobody has forgotten Congressman Matt Gaetz from Florida was once arrested for a DUI in 2008.
People brought up Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush’s DUI arrest.
Or Craig Headland, a Republican North Dakotan state representative who was arrested with a DUI in October 2018.
Responses to the GOP’s photoshopped photo of O’Rourke, the 46-year-old Democrat who previously lost out the Texas Senate seat to Republican Ted Cruz, included pictures of President Donald Trump and his family gamely posing with disgraced sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, which was then countered with a photo of Hillary Clinton also posing with the former movie mogul.
People also posted photos of Rep. Ron Desantis, Trump and Trump. Jr. posing with Cindy Li Yang, leader of the Massage Parlor Madame who ran the sex trafficking scam through her shop.
Many found the GOP’s tweet racist to those of Irish descent.
This is not the first, and likely won’t be the last that the Republican party comes after O’Rourke as he gains steam going into the upcoming presidential election. There’s an ad currently running from the conservative non-profit, Club For Growth, entitled “Pedigree” that claims O’Rourke “drips white male privilege.
The GOP tweeted again right after they posted the picture of O’Rourke’s St. Patty’s Day themed mug shot, this taking aim at Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi.
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