7-Year-Old Treated with Medical Marijuana; Her Dad is Furious

7-year-old  medical marijuana mykayla Comstock

Via The Oregonian.

A 7-year-old Oregon girl is one of world’s youngest patients to be treated with medical marijuana.

Most children her age enjoy cookies and treats, but Mykayla Comstock eats gingersnaps and brownies baked with marijuana-infused butter.

Comstock uses marijuana to heal from Cannibus

The marijuana helps the young leukemia victim sleep and eat, but administering weed to a child is controversial — to say the least — and has enraged the child’s dad, who is divorced from her mom.

“She was stoned out of her mind,” dad Jesse Comstock, 26, told The Oregonian, describing a visit with his daughter. “All she wanted to do was lay on the bed and play video games.”

Jesse called the cops, child welfare officials and the child’s doctors.

In an interview with NBC Jesse Comstock admitted to being a former user of pot and also saying that the drug isn’t harmful to people over 16 using medical marijuana. He is just worried about his daughter’s well being and the potential addiction that may arise.

She’s not terminally ill, she is going to get over this , and with all this pot, they are going to hinder her brain growth.

Mykayla’s mom and her boyfriend — Erin Purchase, 25, and Brandon Krenzler — say the medical pot is helping their daughter cope with a horrible disease. They are both happen to be pot smokers, while Mykayla’s mom is an Oregon medical marijuana patient.

Mykayla’s mother says that her daughter was diagnosed last spring. She gives her child the pills to fight the effects of chemotherapy, and her father, who resides in North Dakota, worries about the effects of the drug on Mykayla’s brain development. Her mother also credits marijuana for her daughter’s leukemia remission reports CBS News

Maykayla Comstock cancer patient who uses cannibus

Mykayla’s mom told NBC that as a mother she is willing to try and do anything before her daughter can potentially fall on either side. Her mother also administers the cannabis along with her boyfriend.

Mykayla’s mom believes that marijuana heals and the drug has cured her step-father’s skin cancer, and the drug is safe because she used it during her second pregnancy and while breastfeeding her second child reports News 1st

Mykayla’s mom also said her daughter’s first oncologist called the marijuana use inappropriate. She has not informed her new oncologist about the treatment reports the Daily Mail

In a statement made to The Oregonian, doctors’ Sharon Levy and Steve Sallan said “marijuana isn’t a medicine” and “it doesn’t cure leukemia.”

According to CBS News The state law requires a different approach for using medical marijuana.

The Oregon Law doesn’t require monitoring of a child’s medical marijuana usage by a pediatrician. The law will only invest authority in parents to decide the dosage, frequency and manner of a child’s marijuana consumption. Oregon isn’t the only state treating children with medical marijuana. Last May the Associated Press reported 44 medical marijuana cards that were issued in the state of Michigan. The American Academy of Pediatrics told the AP at that time it did not have a policy on medical marijuana, but they were working on one.

According to Softpedia, a child in this condition under Oregon State Law, becomes the complete responsibility of his/her parents. There’s no official monitoring or imposed standard qualities.

There are also 18 states which legalize Marijuana and they include: Connecticut, California, Arizona, Delaware, District of Columbia (Washington, D.C), Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington according to CBS News

Mykayla Comstock Fights Leukemia using Cannabis

Mykayla’s mom shed light on her daughter’s rights for use of the drug via Gro4me, a site that highlights brave survivors of cancer like Makayla. They say that Comstock was diagnosed with intermediate risk T-Cell lymphoblastic leukemia on July 14, 2012 and is now in complete remission.
7 year old uses pot to heal Leukemia

7 year old uses marijuana to heal from leukemia

Mykayla also has a facebook page, Brave Mykayla, for moral support.

What do you think? Is medical pot OK for kids? Let us know in the comment section.

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