Beer With Balls: Bull Testicals On Tap in Colorado

Thirsty? Grab the latest drink reported recently by the New York Daily: Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout.

Made from a wholesome combination of organic Colorado malts, hops, Rocky Mountain water and bull testicals, Wynkoop Brewing Company has taken their brewing to the next level to deliver what could only be described an an “unparalleld” brewing experience.

The idea of putting “bull balls” into beer came about from the desire of the local brewing company to make something that would be truly unique and local to the population, having been eating these “Rocky Mountain oysters” as a delicacy for many generations. As such, the natural progression for them was to take them off the dinner table and into the brewing vat to create something that has a delicious taste of “nuts”.

The Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout is a limited production item right now, however if popularity keeps up I’m sure they’ll keep brewing more for the public. Still, while the Wynkoop Brewing Company may not be the first group to try crazy new beer combinations, I think I’d rather try a Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale over one made from bull testicals any day.

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