Giant Mosquitoes to Invade Florida: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


So there you are folks, giant mosquitoes, known as Gallinippers, are set to invade Florida this summer, reports NBC News.

Here’s what you need to know…

1. The Mosquitoes Are the Size of a Quarter

Giant mosquitoes Florida Gallinippers Florida Gallinippers

These babies are massive, the size of a quarter, or about 20 size bigger than a regular mosquito. They are the biggest type of biting mosquito in the United States. Other characteristics include zebra type patterns on their legs and scraggly style hair.

2. Their Bite is as Painful as Being Stabbed

Giant mosquitoes Florida Gallinippers Florida Gallinippers

University of Florida entomologist Philip Kaufman told The Gainsville Sun:

It is quite capable of biting through my shirt, we suggest people wear long-sleeve pants and shirts. Just doing that may not be enough for this type of mosquito; you’re going to have use one of the insect repellants to dissuade them from landing

The Gallinippers prefer to hang around in open green areas and people are encouraged to wear long sleeves and pants when in these areas. Yeah, try that during the 100 degree Floridian summer.

3. Their Eggs Hatch After Tropical Rain Storms

Giant mosquitoes Florida Gallinippers Florida Gallinippers

Freakishly, Gallinipper eggs are laid under the soil where they can lie dormant for years. When a tropical rain storm hits, like say, Tropical Storm Debby, those eggs are ready to hatch. And things to the rather active rainstorm that struck Florida, these babies are getting mature and getting ready to strike.

4. One Country has a Unique Plan to Counter-Act the Gallinippers

Giant mosquitoes Florida Gallinippers Florida Gallinippers

Alachua County, located in central Florida, will not go along with mass anti-mosquito spraying that many other counties in Florida are doing in preparation for a rough summer. Instead the county will maintain mosquito retention basins to track the movement of the insects and post warnings accordingly.

5. Silver Lining? They Eat Other Annoying Insects

Giant mosquitoes Florida Gallinippers Florida Gallinippers

Other things in the plus column include that the mosquitoes don’t travel in large swarms. At full maturity (when they’re ready to sting) they only live for about a week. And the best one, the other annoying mosquitoes that everyone else hates are also on the menu for Gallinippers.

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