George Jung, the notorious drug dealer portrayed by Johnny Depp in the 2001 biopic Blow, was the talk of Twitter Monday after he was released from prison following nearly two decades behind bars.
The most commonly tweeted sentiment? Everyone should watch Blow immediately in Jung’s honor.
Here’s a sampling of the reaction:
George Jung released from prison. I do believe this calls for a viewing of Blow
— Andrew Carignan (@A_Carignan38) June 3, 2014
george jung is my daddy
— Georgia Bush (@HippieProblemz) June 3, 2014
In honor of George Jung getting released from prison, I'm watching the movie blow tonight
— adison (@illuminadi_) June 3, 2014
I feel like everyone should have to watch Blow today on news that George Jung has finally been released from prison
— Jason Stafford (@stiffy_staffy) June 2, 2014
George Jung back on the streets!
— Cam Meekins (@CamMeekins) June 2, 2014
The real George Jung was released from prison today. Wonder if he has seen Blow yet? #BostonGeorge #ElMagico
— Desmond C. Bounds (@desmondbounds) June 2, 2014
— JB. (@J_Blanchh) June 2, 2014
George Jung was released from prison today. Do you think the 1st movie he'll watch is Blow?
— Eric Janvier (@ClassicJanvier) June 2, 2014
STFU. George Jung is a free man. #legend
— sophi alvarez (@sophiialvarez) June 2, 2014
Wow..George Jung was just released from prison. Watching Blow tonight.
— Vanessa (@VanesssaMarie) June 2, 2014
George Jung is free today yes today is a good day :)!!!!!
— matt wilkinson (@Rubadubdubme) June 2, 2014