Adam Ward, right, with reporter Allison Parker. (WDBJ-TV)
On a day that began with gunfire during a live broadcast, the WDBJ 7 news station put together its evening newscasts with heavy hearts only six hours later, reporting on the deadly shootings that took the lives of two beloved co-workers, and also paying tribute to them.
Alison Parker, a 24-year-old reporter, and Adam Ward, a 27-year-old photographer, were fatally shot by a disgruntled ex-employee during a live interview with Vicki Gardner, of the local chamber of commerce. They were reporting on the 50th anniversary of a local tourist attraction when the gunmen approached them from behind, and opened fire.
Parker and Ward worked together for several months as a morning news team. Parker was dating an evening anchor, and Ward was engaged to a morning show producer.
Watch the tributes and stories about Parker and Ward put together by their co-workers below:
WDBJ says scholarship funds are being set up in honor of Ward and Parker at Virginia Tech and James Madison universities. Ward graduated from Virginia Tech in 2011 and Parker from James Madison in 2012.
Details about the Virginia Tech scholarship haven’t been finalized.
“Checks for the Alison Parker Memorial Scholarship can be made payable to the JMU Foundation.
JMU Advancement Gifts and Records
MSC 3603
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
ATTN: Alison Parker Memorial Scholarship.”