John Noonan on Twitter: Donald Trump Shouldn’t Have Access to Nuclear Weapons

Donald Trump, John Noonan, Donald Trump Twitter

Donald Trump. (Getty)

John Noonan, a conservative national security adviser and former nuclear weapons officer, criticized Donald Trump in an epic Twitter rant. Noonan, who worked for Jeb Bush and Mitt Romeny, said that Trump shouldn’t be allowed near nuclear weapons.

Noonan’s Twitter rant came in response to a comment Joe Scarborough made on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Wednesday morning. Scarborough said he learned from an unnamed source that Trump asked if the U.S. could use its nuclear weapons.

“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them,” Scarborough said.

Noonan wrote that the ” whole idea behind nuclear deterrence is that you don’t use the damn things.” He added, “The nuke triad, which Trump doesn’t have a clue about, has been the single greatest contributor to global peace for decades. You heard me.” Noonan also said that if Trump used nuclear weapons, he “would be undoing 6 decades of proven deterrence theory. The purpose of nukes is that they are never used.”

Noonan has been critical of Trump’s campaign. Earlier this week in The National Review, Noonen wondered if Trump understood how elections work after his comments about the Khan family.

Here’s the full 20-tweet rant:

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3. When we went into ICBM training, we went through a battery of tests and interviews. Are you sane? Are you willing to turn your key?”

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