WATCH: Protesters Demand Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns

During a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania this afternoon, Donald Trump was interrupted by protesters who demanded he release his tax returns.

Not long into the Friday afternoon rally, Trump stopped speaking when commotion began behind him. A group of at least five protesters who were holding signs reading “TAX FORMS” were then escorted out of the arena while those around them chanted Trump’s name.

These protesters appeared at Trump’s rally on the same day that Hillary Clinton released her tax returns. The Clinton campaign hopes to increase the pressure on Donald Trump to follow suit, which he has continuously refused to do. This makes him the only presidential candidate to not release this information since Richard Nixon.

Donald Trump says he will not release his tax returns because he is being audited by the IRS.

Trump was interrupted at least two more times during his August 12th event. At one point, a Black Lives Matter proponent interrupted Trump, according to NBC News. Trump responded by telling this person to go back home to their mother, adding that the person’s mother was probably voting for Trump.

The candidate also joked during his rally that the Bernie Sanders supporters were much “stronger” than his current group of protesters.

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