READ: Donald Trump Foreign Policy Proposals From September 7th Speech

Donald Trump Akron, Donald Trump rally, Donald Trump Akron rally

Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Akron, Ohio. (Getty)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is set to deliver a key foreign policy speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this morning.

Ahead of the speech, the Trump campaign released a list of 10 proposals that he will go over. Some of these are proposals Trump has previously discussed, such as asking U.S. generals to bring him a plan to defeat ISIS within 30 days.

Trump also says he will eliminate the defense sequester, increase funding to the military, and enforce laws related to the handling of classified information.

Here is the full list of Donald Trump’s 10 foreign policy proposals as released by the campaign:

PROPOSAL: Immediately after taking office, Mr. Trump will ask the generals to present a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy ISIS.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will ask Congress to fully eliminate the defense sequester and will submit a new budget to rebuild our military as soon as he assumes office.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will build an active Army of around 540,000, as the Army’s chief of staff has said he needs.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will build a Marine Corps based on 36 battalions, which the Heritage Foundation notes is the minimum needed to deal with major contingencies.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will build a Navy approaching 350 surface ships and submarines, as recommended by the bipartisan National Defense Panel.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will build an Air Force of at least 1,200 fighter aircraft, which the Heritage Foundation has shown to be needed to execute current missions.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will seek to develop a state of the art missile defense system.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will modernize our nation’s naval cruisers to provide Ballistic Missile Defense capabilities.

PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump will enforce all classification rules, and enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information.

PROPOSAL: One of Mr. Trump’s first commands after taking office will be asking the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and all relevant federal departments, to conduct a thorough review of United States cyber defenses and identify all vulnerabilities – in our power grid, our communications systems, and all vital infrastructure.

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