James O’Keefe Teases Video Showing Hillary Clinton’s Involvement in Planning Donald Trump Protests

James O'Keefe, James O'Keefe project veritas, James O'Keefe hillary clinton

James O’Keefe holds a news conference at the National Press Club on September 1, 2015. (Getty)

Conservative activist James O’Keefe, the man who released videos last week that showed Democratic operatives apparently planning to infiltrate Trump rallies, says he has evidence proving that Hillary Clinton herself was involved in planning violence at her opponent’s events.

On Twitter this weekend, O’Keefe noted that Hillary Clinton did not directly deny her involvement in the plans to pay protesters to go to Trump rallies in order to stir up drama and get Trump supporters to turn violent. O’Keefe teased that he has a new video proving that Clinton was indeed involved, saying he will put it online Monday at noon.

O’Keefe has also been teasing that he has footage showing the Democratic National Committee demeaning black people, and this may be part of what will be released this week. On Twitter, O’Keefe recently retweeted a post speculating that this racist tape will come out on Monday.

Finally, O’Keefe says that DNC chair Donna Brazile will be implicated in this new video.

Videos released last week by James O’Keefe appeared to Scott Foval, a field director for Americans United for Change, talking about planting protesters at Trump events, particularly saying that he pays mentally ill people to stir up controversy at the Republican candidate’s rallies. Foval has since been fired.

However, the accuracy of the videos is not clear, as O’Keefe has been known to deceptively edit footage in order to create a narrative that fits his agenda, and the raw footage of the meeting with Foval has not been made available.

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