President Donald Trump once again retweeted a violent meme on a Sunday morning. This time, the tweet was from a user named @Fuctupmind and appears to show him hitting a golf ball at Hillary Clinton.

TwitterPresident Trump retweeted this GIF.
“Donald Trump’s amazing golf swing #CrookedHillary,” the tweet reads. The woman in the clip doesn’t appear to actually be the real Clinton being hit by a ball and falling into an airplane.
The tweet followed a week where Hillary Clinton returned to the spotlight after the publication of her book, What Happened, in which she gave her perspective of the 2016 presidential campaign. During the week, Trump tweeted about his former rival, writing, “Crooked Hillary Clinton blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss. She lost the debates and lost her direction!”
The president also added on September 13, “The “deplorables” came back to haunt Hillary.They expressed their feelings loud and clear. She spent big money but, in the end, had no game!”
Trump also spent his Sunday morning retweeting other memes posted by Trump supporter @Trump_Team45. One features a train wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. Another shows Trump superimposed over arrows pointing up and dollar signs. And another shows an all-red map of the U.S. “Keep it up Libs. This will be 2020,” the meme reads.
Trump’s own tweets on Sunday morning were about serious topics his administration faces. He tweeted that he spoke with South Korean President Moon Jae-in about “Rocket Man,” an apparent reference to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. “I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night. Asked him how Rocket Man is doing. Long gas lines forming in North Korea. Too bad,” the president wrote.
He also endorsed Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in the governor race there.
The GIF of Trump hitting Clinton is reminiscent of the violent anti-CNN clip Trump retweeted in July. That was also posted on a Sunday and was traced to a Reddit user named “HanA**holeSolo.” The Trump Administration never apologized for that clip, which was derived from the president’s appearance on a wrestling show. The White House told ABC News that the president didn’t get the video from Reddit. The tweet was never deleted and remains on Trump’s twitter page.
The Twitter user who posted the Clinton GIF is “Mike,” who uses the handle @Fuctupmind. The tweet pinned to his page has a video of Clinton collapsing on September 11, 2016. His Twitter bio is filled with the hastags “#Trump. #LockHerUp #ObamaGate #SusanRice #OnwardToJail #SethRich #RemoveShepard #IStandWithHannity.”
The link on his bio goes to his Gab.ai profile. “Gab.ai” is a social network popular with the alt-right. He also tweeted an anti-Semitic message last year:
Trump also loves retweeting memes about himself. In August, after the solar eclipse, he retweeted a meme created by Jerry Travone that showed Trump “eclipsing” his predecessor, President Barack Obama.