Three Florida teenagers are being accused of daytime street racing during the day in Tampa and causing the death of a 24-year-old mother who was pushing her baby. According to multiple media reports from the city, Jessica Reisinger died after being struck by a vehicle on May 23 just before noon. Authorities say that vehicle was being driven by 18-year-old Cameron Herrin. Reisinger was pronounced dead at Tampa General Hospital. Her baby, Lillia, was rushed to a local hospital, she was pronounced dead on May 25.
Herrin is being charged along with his brother Tristan, 20, and another 17-year-old man, John Barrineau. The other man, police say, was racing the brothers in a different car. Both Herrin and the 17-year-old are being charged with vehicular homicide, reckless driving and street racing. Tristan Herrin is facing charges of racing.
Herrin was driving a black Ford Mustang, cops say he was racing against a Nissan. The incident happened along Bayshore Boulevard. Witnesses told cops that the two cars were seen driving alongside each other. The Herrin brothers were being held at Hillsborough County Jail. Tristan Herrin has been released after posting a $500 bail.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. The Herrin Brothers Remained at the Scene After the Crash
The Tampa Bay Times reports that the Herrin brothers and John Barrineau remained at the scene after the incident but did not speak to police at the scene. The Times reports that cops opted to charge Cameron’s brother because of Florida law which says that if a person is a passenger in a racing car, they can be charged with racing. Cops said they have no evidence to suggest Tristan Herrin tried to get out of the car. The Times report adds that all three of the suspects “live within minutes” of the scene.
WTSP reports that the parents of the boys were present at the scene after crash. The station’s report says that the trio were “clearly shaken and upset.” It’s estimated that the suspects were driving at around 60 miles per hour while swerviing between lanes and changing positions with one and other.
2. A Go Fund Me Page for Reisinger Has Already Raised Nearly $40,000

Facebook/Jessica Reisinger
A Go Fund Me page has been set up for the family of Jessica Reisinger. At the time of writing the page has raised nearly $40,000. The original set goal was $2,000. A vigil will be held along Bayshore Boulevard to honor Jessica Reisinger on May 26.
According to her Facebook page, Reisinger is a graduate of Kent State University and Kenston High School in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Reisinger says she works at Food 4 Thought Cyber Cafe. The cafe is located on campus at Kent State.
WFLA reports that the pair were in Florida so Reisinger could visit her uncle. Her uncle, John Reisinger, told the Tampa Bay Tribune, “She made a mark on this world. That her death will not diminish. The biggest tragedy is that more people didn’t know her.” He added that Reisinger married her husband, David, in 2016, and that he had just completed his flight certification and preparing for flight school.
The president of the local neighborhood association, Kim Degance, told ABC Tampa, “We’re devastated. It’s a tragic crash that didn’t need to happen. It could have been avoided.”
3. Cameron & Tristan Herrin & John Barrineau Are All Graduates of a Private Catholic High School
Cameron and Tristan Herrin as well as John Barrieneau are all graudates of Tampa Catholic High School, reports TampaBay.com. In a statement to the website, the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg said, “Our prayers and hearts go out to the young mother who died, the child who is recovering and all affected by this tragic loss of life.” John Barrieneau and Cameron Herrin graduated on May 21, two days before the crash. Tristan Herrin graduated in 2016. That’s the same high school attended by accused Seminole Heights serial killer Howell Donaldson, who was a basketball player there.
In 2013, the family was quoted by the Tampa Bay Tribune as they helped their Sacred Heart Catholic Church clean up a cemetary in the city. Cameron Herrin, then 13, said, “I never knew we had a cemetery until I read about it needing help in the church bulletin.” His father, Chris, said, “I thought this was a good way to help the community and help the church.”
4. The Herrin’s Parents Are Christopher & Cheryl Herrin
Online records show that Herrin’s parents are Christopher and Cheryl Herrin. Christopher Herrin is a 1988 graduate of Harvard University and also attended Columbia University. According to her Facebook page, Cherly Herrin works for State Farm where she is an operations vice president and works closely with Florida International University.
5. The Crash Has Led to a Lowering of the Speed Limit Along Bayshore Boulevard
ABC Tampa reports that in the aftermath of the crash, the speed limit along Bayshore Boulevard had been reduced from 40 to 35 miles per hour. Speaking to the Tampa Bay Times, police spokesman Steve Hegarty said speeding “is an issue on Bayhore. We had motorcycle (officers) out writing tickets this morning. People aren’t happy about it, but that’s what we do to remind people you’re not supposed to drive fast out there. We make an effort to slow things down but we’re not out there 24-7. We can’t be out there 24-7.” Melissa McKenzie was jogging along the grass median in February 2004 when she was killed by a motorcyclist who was clocked at 80 miles per hour.
WFLA spoke to a woman who lives along Bayshore who said, “We see speeders constantly, drag racing, playing chicken. I’d like to walk my dogs right out front, but I’m afraid someone’s going to flip right into our front yard.” Another, Pam Rodriguez, said, “I used to walk along the bay itself. But A, it takes so long to get across, and B, traffic is going so fast, I’m terrified they’re going to jump the curb.”