Poll: More Than Half of Voters Would Consider Re-Electing Trump

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center on September 14, 2015 in Dallas, Texas.

A new survey reveals that 55 percent of registered voters would be open to the idea of electing President Trump for a second term. The Hill-HarrisX poll was released on March 25 and based on survey carried out from March 23-24. You can read the full poll here.

46 percent of those polled said that they would “never” vote for President Trump again. Only 7 percent of Democrats said they’d consider voting to re-elect the president, while 79 percent of those in the president’s party said they would consider re-electing him.

Among those who said they’d consider the president, 12 percent said that the “state of the economy” was the reason for their answer. 10 percent said that they were influenced by the president’s stance on immigration, and another 5 percent said that nobody in the field of Democratic candidates “excited” them. 22 percent of Republicans said that the Democrats running for president were pushing ideas that were “too liberal.” Among Republicans, the most popular reason for supporting the president was the economy, with 22 percent saying that the economy had influenced them to consider voting for Trump again. 16 percent of Republicans also said that they were influenced to consider voting for the president because of his stance on immigration.

Recent Polling Suggests That Almost All the Democratic Contenders Could Beat Trump in a Head to Head Contest

trump CPAC2019

GettyPresident Donald Trump hugs the U.S. flag during CPAC 2019 on March 02, 2019 in National Harbor, Maryland. The American Conservative Union hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference to discuss conservative agenda.

If the election were tomorrow, almost any of the Democrats in the race could beat President Trump, according to the most recent polling. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who’s still not an official candidate, comes out a solid ten points ahead of Trump, an Emerson College poll finds. Biden has the support of 55 percent of American voters in that hypothetical match-up, compared to 45 percent for Trump. However, those numbers change a bit when likely third-party candidate Howard Schultz gets into the mix; if the Starbucks CEO enters the race, Biden’s lead over Trump shrinks to 8 percent.

California Senator Kamala Harris would win a general election against Trump by four points, according to the Emerson College poll, while Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren would narrowly beat him by just two points. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who’s tied with Biden among Democrats, would narrowly defeat Trump in a head0to-head by just two points, according to the same poll. And Beto O’Rourke would lose out against President Trump, the poll shows, with O’Rourke at 49 percent of supporters and Trump at 51.

Joe Biden Is Leading Among Democratic Voters — Although He Still Hasn’t Declared Himself a Candidate

Joe Biden 2020 poll

GettyFormer U.S. Vice President Joe Biden delivers a keynote address at the Brookings Institution.

The most recent national poll of likely Democratic voters had former vice president Joe Biden, who has not yet officially entered the race, in a dead heat with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. The Emerson College poll, released Tuesday, put Biden and Sanders both at 26 percent. Sanders is benefiting from a surge in popularity; the Vermont Senator got a 9-point boost in the polls since announcing his campaign for President.

Meanwhile, California Senator Kamala Harris, who has been widely perceived as a frontrunner in the Democratic primary, trails Biden and Sanders, coming in at 12 percent in the Emerson poll. Beto O’Rourke, who received a bump after announcing his own candidacy, is polling at 11 percent, while Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren came in at just 8 percent in the recent poll by Emerson College.

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