Omar Mateen
Omar Mateen’s Wife, Noor Salman, Arrested: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Omar Mateen's wife, Noor Salman, was arrested today in connection with the Pulse shooting in Florida. Where has she been all this time?
LISTEN: Omar Mateen 911 Calls From Orlando Shooting [FULL AUDIO]
WATCH: Father of Pulse Killer Omar Mateen Attends Hillary Clinton Rally
WATCH: Attorney General Loretta Lynch Speaks on Orlando
Robert Abell, Gun Store Owner Reported Mateen to FBI: 5 Facts Facts You Need to Know
READ: Police Officer Recommended Omar Mateen For Prison Security
A police officer wrote a recommendation for Omar Mateen, the Orlando nightclub shooter, when Mateen applied to be a Correctional Officer.
WATCH: President Obama’s Press Conference on Orlando & the Phrase ‘Radical Islam’
Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon: A Tribute To The Orlando Shooting Victim
Marcus Dwayne Robertson, Omar Mateen’s Possible Teacher: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Anthony Luis Laureano Disla: A Tribute To The Orlando Shooting Victim
READ: President Obama Calls Orlando Mass Shooting ‘Act of Terror’ in Statement
In his 15th speech after a mass shooting, President Barack Obama called the Orlando mass shooting an 'act of terror and an act of hate.'