Second Republican Primary Presidential Debate 2015 Live Stream: How To Watch the Show Online

Republican Presidential Debate 2015, Presidential Debate 2015 Live Stream, Debate Live Stream, How To Watch The Debate Online, Watch Presidential Debate 2015 Live Stream, CNN Live Stream, CNN Free Live Stream

(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Are you ready to watch the second Republican Presidential Debate of 2015 tonight? Viewers are expecting to see the candidates fire back at Donald Trump in a much more intense debate than the first. They’re also hoping for some epic one-liners from the Donald. Well, if you are looking to watch the debate online tonight, we’ve got all the information on how to watch the live stream.

In fact, CNN is actually unlocking its subscription live streaming service just for the debate. A rep for CNN assures watchers that they will not have to log in when it comes to trying to watch the debate. A rep for CNN explains, “This live preview will give viewers access to the debate across all platforms to showcase the value of [CNN’s] TV Everywhere.” The “JV” debate featuring second-tier candidates starts at 6 p.m. Eastern, with the main event starting at 8 p.m.

Click here to access CNN’s free live stream of the debate.

The debate will be moderated by CNN anchor Jake Tapper, CNN’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash and conservative radio show host Hugh Hewitt.

Here’s a look at the candidates taking part in the debates. Click on each candidate’s name for more coverage:

The Candidates

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. Click on each candidate’s name to read more about them.

‘Varsity’ Debate

Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush, Jeb Bush Presidential Debate, Republican Presidential Debate Candidate 2015, Jeb Bush Jr, Jeb Bush Brother George, Jeb Bush Kids, Jeb Bush Family, Jeb Bush Children, Jeb Bush Sons, Jeb Bush Net Worth, Jeb Bush Salary


Age: 62

Resume: Former governor of Florida; son of President George H.W. Bush and brother of President George W. Bush

Ben Carson

Ben Carson, Ben Carson For President, Ben Carson Wife, Ben Carson Sons, Ben Carson Jr, Ben Carson Republican Debate 2015, Ben Carson Movie, Ben Carson Quotes, Republican Presidential Debate 2015, GOP Debate 2015


Age: 63

Resume: Retired pediatric neurosurgeon and author

Chris Christie

Chris Christie, Chris Christie Net Worth, Chris Christie Baseball Uniform, Chris Christie Republican Debate, Chris Christie Wife, Chris Christie Married, Chris Christie Kids, Chris Christie 2016, Chris Christie For President, Chris Christie Education


Age: 53

Resume: Governor of New Jersey; former U.S. attorney

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz, Republican Presidential Debate Candidates 2016, Ted Cruz Wife, Ted Cruz Quotes, Ted Cruz Father, Ted Cruz Net Worth, Ted Cruz 2016, Ted Cruz Presidential Debate 2015


Age: 44

Resume: United States Senator from Texas; former solicitor general of Texas

Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina for president, Carly Fiorina Republican debate


Age: 61

Resume: Former CEO of Hewlett Packard

Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee, Mike Huckabee Family, Mike Huckabee Twitter, Mike Huckabee Facebook, Mike Huckabee Wife, Mike Huckabee Family, Mike Huckabee Republican Debate 2015, Mike Huckabee 2016, Republican Presidential Debate Candidate 2015, Mike Huckabee Net Worth


Age: 60

Resume: Former governor of Arkansas and talk show host

John Kasich

John Kasich, John Kasich Wife, John Kasich Issues, John Kasich Daughters, John Kasich Married, John Kasich Net Worth, Republican Debate 2015, John Kasich For President 2016, Presidential Debate 2015


Age: 63

Resume: Governor of Ohio; former United States congressman; former managing director at Lehman Brothers

Rand Paul

Rand Paul, Rand Paul Net Worth, Rand Paul Son, Rand Paul Wife, Rand Paul 2016, Rand Paul 2015, Rand Paul Republican Debate 2015, Rand Paul Presidential Debate 2015, GOP Debate Candidates 2015


Age: 52

Resume: United States Senator from Kentucky; retired ophthalmologist; son of former U.S. Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio, Marco Rubio Water, Marco Rubio Education, Marco Rubio 2016, Marco Rubio Net Worth, Marco Rubio Wife, Marco Rubio Salary, Water Bottle Gate, Marco Rubio Presidential Debate 2015, Republican Presidential Debate 2015, GOP Debate 2015


Age: 44

Resume: United States Senator from Florida; former Speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives

Donald Trump

Donald Trump, Tom brady, Donald Trump Tom Brady


Age: 69

Resume: Businessman; reality TV star

Scott Walker

Republican Primary Debate 2015, GOP Debate 2015, Presidential Debate 2015 Candidates, Top 10 Primary Candidates 2015, Scott Walker, Scott Walker Debate 2015


Age: 47

Resume: Governor of Wisconsin; former Wisconsin state representative and Milwaukee County Executive

‘JV’ Debate

Lindsey Graham

Senator Lindsey Graham


Age: 60

Resume: United States Senator from South Carolina; former United States congressman, South Carolina state representative; retired United States Air Force colonel

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal


Resume: Governor of Louisiana; former United States congressman

Age: 44

George Pataki

George Pataki


Age: 70

Resume: Former governor of New York; former New York state senator and state representative

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum


Resume: Former United States Senator and United States congressman from Pennsylvania

For more news on the debate:

Read more about the Republican Presidential Debate in Spanish at

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