White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is scheduled to hold a briefing at 1:30 p.m. Eastern. You can watch a live stream of the briefing above, when it begins.
Spicer is expected to face questions about the House Committee on Intelligence hearing on the investigation into Russia’s influence on the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to the Trump campaign.
Earlier Monday, FBI Director James Comey confirmed the agency is investigating Trump campaign ties to Russia. He and NSA Director Mike Rogers also said there has been no evidence to show that votes were changed through hacking by the Russians. Comey and Rogers said they could not comment further on the investigation, with Comey saying he took the unusual step to acknowledge the investigation publicly because of the circumstances surrounding it.
Comey also told the House committee there is no evidence of wiretapping of Trump Tower by former President Barack Obama, debunking President Trump’s tweet about it.
In a statement about the hearing, a White House official told The Hill, “Nothing has changed. Senior Obama intelligence officials have gone on record to confirm there is NO EVIDENCE of Trump-Russia collusion and there is NO EVIDENCE of a Trump-Russia scandal.”
Spicer will also likely be questioned about health care, the Supreme Court nomination hearing being held today and Trump’s budget proposal.