• WATCH: Lena Dunham of ‘Girls’ Says Lose Your Virginity to Obama

    Don't get screwed by just any politician. Give it up for Obama.

  • Fake Official-Looking Letters Tell Florida Voters They Can’t Vote

  • Gloria Allred’s October Surprise: Romney Lied Under Oath

  • Senator’s Son Beaten Senseless by Dudes Stealing His Romney-Ryan Sign

  • Obama’s So-Called “Apology Tour”: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

  • Obama, Romney Final Debate: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

    Still undecided after tonight? Obama and Romney still have two more weeks to help you make up your mind.

  • Horses & Bayonets: Obama’s Presidential Debate Meme

  • Romney’s Foreign Policy Strategy ‘Go After the Bad Guys’

  • Romney: We Can’t Kill Our Way Out of This Mess

  • How Did Debate Moderator Bob Schieffer Do Tonight?

  • Nickolodeon Kids Predict Obama As Winner In National Poll

    There are many ways to predict an election, who would have thought that kids are one of the most accurate?

  • #Ivoted Trending Like Crazy on Twitter as Absentee Ballots Cast

  • Obama, Romney Tied in Poll: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

  • Iran Agrees to Nuclear Talks With the US: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

  • Romnesia: New Obama Attack Goes Viral

  • Obama and Romney Take a Night Off from Debates for Laughs

  • Mitt Romney is Totally Killing it with the White Vote

  • Tagg Romney Says He Wanted to Punch President Barack Obama [AUDIO]

  • 2nd Presidential Debate: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

  • ‘Million Muppet March’ to Storm D.C. Nov. 3 to Save Big Bird

    The fight to save Big Bird is marching on the capital.

  • Lindsay Lohan Endorses Mitt Romney for President

  • WATCH: Big Bird Plays the Victim Card in New Obama for America Ad

  • WATCH: Barack Obama Has 99 Problems … But Mitt Ain’t One [SUPERCUT]

  • First Presidential Debate: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

  • Top 10 Presidential Debate Moments of All Time

    Round 1.... FIGHT!

  • United Nations Traffic: Top 10 Tweets from Angry NY Drivers

  • Smoking Cockpit Grounds Ann Romney

  • Obama’s Leaked Video: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know

  • We Are The 47 Percent: Government-Dependent Citizens Make Whiny Signs

  • Mitt Romney: 47 Percent of Americans Aren’t Worth My Concern

    Mitt Romney is captured via hidden camera slamming 47 percent of all Americans.