David Anderson Social Media: He Was Likely ‘Dawada Maqabath’

david anderson social media

Instagram David Anderson is believed to have made social media posts.

David Anderson, the 47-year-old man accused in the Jersey City mass shooting attack, likely used the identity Dawada Maqabath and other alter egos on social media and online, NBC News is reporting. Heavy.com has reviewed multiple posts made by that identity on the Internet; Maqabath and another identity attributed to Anderson made numerous extremely anti-police comments on various obscure social media and online video pages, glorified Baton Rouge police shooter Gavin Long, unleashed anti-Semitic and anti-Christian vitriol, and called non-black Jewish people “imposters.”

You can see screenshots of some of the comments and posts from the suspect’s active social media pages throughout this article. Dawada Maqabath’s virulently negative comments against police urged the killing of a Birmingham, Alabama police spokesman after an officer was murdered.

Authorities said in a December 12, 2019 press conference that they are investigating the case as a domestic terrorism incident with a hate crime bent. They say that the shooters appear motivated by, in the words of the U.S. Attorney, “a bias toward both the Jewish community and law enforcement.” They said they are working to verify social media accounts.

“There are NO innocent cops. The entire organization was built with nefarious intentions against Israelites,” another comment read. His anti-Semitic comments applauded a series of anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn. A Soundcloud account believed to be the suspect’s contains, as a profile picture, a picture of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Michael Brown, sparking protests in Ferguson, Missouri. The picture refers to police as “possible Klan.” In general, the online identity is obsessed with police shootings involving black victims.

Other posts, on Instagram, shed biographical light on Anderson: They refer to being in the military in the past, to being on parole, to attempting a hip hop career, and to selling items out of a makeshift store in the back of a van. You can read more about Anderson’s background here. Here’s the post on Officer Wilson from the Soundcloud account believed to belong to the shooter:

Anderson, 47, was the male suspect in the crime pair that went on a rampage in Jersey City on December 10, 2019, murdering veteran police Detective Joseph Seals in a cemetery before storming a kosher bodega in a Jewish neighborhood, and slaying three innocent civilians inside it. The victims were the store’s wife, a customer, and a worker. They were named by authorities as Mindy Ferencz, Moshe Deutsch, and Miguel Douglas. Moshe was the son of a prominent rabbi. Miguel was an immigrant from Ecuador trying to provide for his family. Mindy was the loyal and beloved co-owner of a store known for its kosher delicacies and friendly customer service. Read more about the victims here.

Both Anderson and his accomplice, Francine Graham, were found dead along with the civilians in the bodega after a four-hour standoff and shootout with Jersey City police. They are also the primary suspects in the murder of a Jersey City Uber driver, whose beaten body was stuffed into the trunk of a Lincoln Town Car. It’s under investigation whether Officer Seals was investigating that homicide when he encountered the suspects. He was shot first.

david anderson photo picture jers

NJ DOCDavid Anderson in a 2007 mugshot.

Authorities stopped short of attributing a motive to the attack, saying that was still under investigation, although the Jersey City mayor said the suspects targeted the kosher store. However, NBC New York, in an article by Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins, first reported that two law enforcement officials revealed a Facebook account with the username Dawada Maqabath “likely belonged to Anderson.” The two NBC reporters then tracked the name to other postings, reporting that “the username Dawada Maqabath appears across various other social sites and forums, with posts celebrating violence against police and spreading conspiracy theories about Jewish people.”

According to NBC, Anderson also used the online aliases, Baryon Bloodbourne and AKANapoleonHill. NBC describes an Instagram page that the network says belonged to Anderson. Heavy has reviewed it. As further authentication, that page contains a graphic referring to a music company that is a registered business in Anderson’s name. In addition, a facial tattoo visible in Instagram photos matches a tattoo in a known mugshot of Anderson.

Heavy has unearthed many of those postings, including the Instagram page mentioned by NBC, and you can see screenshots later in this article. The most recent post reads, “Revelations 1:13-15. Jesus comes from the tribe of JUDAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Yall n*gguz better wake the f*ck up before its too late. America has NOTHING for us but DEATH????????????.”

Heavy has censored the language in this post on Instagram.

One picture on Instagram shows him in front of the New Jersey Parole Office.

The New York Times reported that David N. Anderson was “linked… to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, which has been designated a hate group” in part because of its anti-Semitic views, including beliefs that Jews are imposters.

The police shooter with whom Maqabath appears to share an affinity – Gavin Long – was an ex-Marine and so-called life coach who ranted about government conspiracies in YouTube videos and shared extremist beliefs on social media. He killed three police officers and wounded three others in Baton Rouge in 2016.

On Long, Maqabath wrote: “Gavin Long did not live by the sword, he was an entrepreneur but he saw an injustice that needed to be corrected, and he obeyed the commandments of TMH God.”

Here’s what you need to know about the suspect’s online and social media posts and comments:

Anti-Semitic & Anti-Christian Comments

One comment by the handle Dawada Maqabath came on an ABC7 video from May 2019 headlined, “Police investigate pair of anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn.” The ABC7 blurb with the video reads, “Police in Brooklyn are investigating a pair of separate seemingly random unprovoked anti-Semitic attacks in the same neighborhood in Brooklyn, and they’re hoping surveillance video will lead to arrests in both incidents. The NYPD is searching for at least five men in the apparent hate crimes, which both happened in Williamsburg.”

Another person responded to the video, writing, “The blacks up there are the most violent in the country for some reason, I lived up there.” Maqabath retorted, two months ago, “Obviously not violent enough, because you’re still alive.”

Another person wrote, “Most of anti semitic attacks in NY are done by black people.” Maqabath responded, “Good.”

He wrote on another page, “Revelation 2:9 ‘Blacks ARE Jews, the ‘jewish’ are imposters. Our ethnic identity crisis is fueled by the synagogue of satan (amalek) and wicked Israelites who love darkness as a cover for their wickedness. This lying profane blasphemous bastard. Ata lo yahudi, lo, ata mumzer. Ata goyim.”

Dawada Maqabath also ranted about Christianity, writing, “The bible is NOT the problem… CHRISTIANITY is. He was telling us to forgive eachother (sic), NOT the enemies of US. CHRISTIANS HATE GOD. GOD IS THE SPIRIT OF JUSTICE AND CHRISTIANS HATE JUSTICE. THEY PERVERT IT FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL AGENDAS.”

That came under an April video with a caption by another person that read, “We have all watched in modern day real time. The Negro, the boot licking buck dancing Negros are still up and running strong. It’s their behavior we must put in check.”

Anti-Police Comments

The identity also made comments about Alton Sterling on another page in which hosts talk about Sterling’s death at the hands of Baton Rouge police. That’s the police shooting that Long was reportedly trying to avenge.

“These police are NOT scared, they are carrying out a well planned agenda layed out by the upper echelon of Rosenbergs people. Esau and Jacob, God and the devil playing out in front of your very eyes but the valley of the dry bones refuses to be resurrected. A war that has NO end. Selah,” Maqabath wrote only four months ago.

He praised Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Long.

Under a post by someone else under an eyewitness video to a Baton Rouge police story, Dawada wrote, “If those cops had not lived by the sword, they would not have died by the sword. They literally made their living by the sword. Gavin Long did not live by the sword, he was an entrepreneur but he saw an injustice that needed to be corrected, and he obeyed the commandments of TMH God.”

Another video by someone else was titled “Why Did Cosmo (Gavin Long), Send Me His Manifesto?”

“There are NO innocent cops. The entire organization was built with nefarious intentions against Israelites,” responded Dawada Maqabath.

One anti-police comment written by the Dawada Maqabath handle was made under a video online about a Birmingham police officer being killed. It was a comment posted under a video by AL.com, a mainstream newspaper. AL.com had written, “Two Birmingham police officers were shot – one of them fatally- during a confrontation with a car break- in suspect Jan. 13, 2019. The suspect was also shot and another taken into custody.”

The comment from Dawada Maqabath says, “This cop spokesmans sadness disturbs me… Too bad he didnt get killed. Disgustingly dispicable (sic) lap dog.”

In that video, the police spokesman for the Birmingham Police Department had said, “The men and women of the Birmingham Police Department do everything we can to address crime in the city. We do everything we can to try to protect and serve the people of the City of Birmingham with pride and respect and we do everything we can to keep everyone safe. At 1:59 this morning, we had officers working where we had a problem with burglary from vehicles. One officer was undercover. Other officers were in uniform…they approached two suspects who were burglarizing a vehicle…the officers approached one suspect, patted him down, where they found what they believed to be a weapon…he fired upon our officers. Two Birmingham police officers have been struck. One of them has been mortally wounded.”

Seven months ago, Dawada Maqabath posted a comment on a YouTube video, writing, “Why did they stop rhis (sic) man from beating up the devil cop?” In response to a comment, he wrote, “wow… They laid hands and feet on a brother to protect the murdering, kidnapping, oppressor. All I can do is SMH.” Another page responded, “yeah it just shows how mentality we’ve been beaten,” Maqabath wrote, “True.”

The comments came on a video that was basically a diatribe against the government and the FBI. It shows footage of white police using force against black people. It’s a compilation of citizen cell phone videos and news stories involving police use of force. The video starts, “the government doesn’t send white snipers to the hood to do their dirty work.”


A selfie on the Instagram page believed to belong to David Anderson.

The picture showing Anderson in front of the New Jersey parole office contains this caption, “Losing about an hour to parole, when ur as focused as I, these guys are in the f**king way!!! #stay outta prison and use ur time wisely, ur only here ONCE.”

The page also shows the inside of a van stacked with food. According to NBC, Anderson operated a small store “out of his van, selling snacks, hats, and other sundries.”

He wrote, “A vendors license is 100% free for all United States military veterans in the state of New Jersey. If you have served your country, get on your grind and claim your piece of America. your vendors license.” PIX11 reported that Anderson served in the military in the 1990s and was linked to the Israelite Church of God in Jersey City.

One photo, captioned in 2014, reads, “Hoorah to all my Wolfpack Battle buddies around the globe.” He also wrote, “They wouldn’t give your boy a job because he’s a felon so I created my own #entrepreneur.”

The last post on the page came in 2015.


The only page “like” on the Maqabath Facebook page: A page selling “Hebrew garments.” The page reads, “Tool of TMH,” meaning “The Most High,” a reference to supposedly properly reading the Bible.

Heavy.com has reviewed the Facebook page in that name, which is still up. What’s visible shows Biblical references, a cover photo of a lion, and selfies.


The profile picture on Soundcloud.

The Dawada Maqabath identity also has a Soundcloud account. Heavy.com has reviewed it, and it’s still up.

The profile picture reads “Children of the Promise” with a reference to Romans in the Bible. There are a couple tracks on the page. They are labeled in the hip hop and rap genre.

One contains lyrics that say things like, “I admit, we should have never did it… yet we pushed on like a marathon…I guess that’s the price we pay…I would be wrong to lead you on.” He only had six followers.

A second page in another identity contains the Officer Wilson picture and a song called, “Hands Up Dont Shoot.” It also has only a few followers.

READ NEXT: The Life of Detective Seals.

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