Noah Green Facebook Posts Show Nation of Islam Ideology

noah green facebook

Facebook Noah Green's Facebook posts show a Nation of Islam ideology.

Noah Green, the deceased suspect in the Capitol attack that killed a police officer, filled his social media posts on Facebook with Nation of Islam ideology.

He wrote about “end times,” compared controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to Jesus, and described a lengthy spiritual quest. An old athletic bio – the Virginia-born 25-year-old Green was a college and high school athlete – said he wished he could have met Malcolm X.

The Facebook page was quickly deleted, but not before Heavy saved the public posts. They don’t give a glimpse into Green’s politics per se because he didn’t write about the Republican or Democrat parties or about Joe Biden or Donald Trump or any other politicians. They do give a sense of his ideology and show a man who was fixated by the Nation of Islam religion, which has been described as a hate group.

You can see screenshots from the page below. No other social media accounts were immediately unearthed.

Capitol police say that the suspect rammed his car into two Capitol police officers manning a barricade outside the U.S. Capitol on April 2 before jumping out of the car with a knife and lunging toward the officers. They say he struck the officers with his car; police then shot him dead. Capitol Police Officer William Evans was killed. The second officer was taken to the hospital, but his condition was not released. Police say they aren’t sure what Green’s motive was and that they don’t think it was terrorism-related, but they also say they are still investigating.

Here’s what you need to know:

Green Referred to Himself as ‘Noah X,’ Writing That ‘My Faith Is Centered on the Belief of…Louis Farrakhan as Jesus’

Noah Green

Facebook/Noah GreenNoah Green in a photo from his now-deleted Facebook page.

On Facebook, as recently as March 2021, the suspect wrote admiringly about Elijah Muhammad, the now-deceased Nation of Islam leader who was a mentor to Malcolm X. Green referred to himself as “Noah X.”

He wrote that his faith was helping him get through numerous life problems, writing, “I haven’t had much to lean on” because he faced “fear, hunger, loss of wealth, and diminution of fruit.” In another post, he said there was “much confusion in this day and age in my perspective,” citing “the ongoing COVID crisis, unemployment, rising National Debt, division within the political sphere, rumors of war and the like.”

Green wrote that “my faith is one of the only things that has been able to carry me through these times and my faith is centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah, the final divine reminder in our midst.”

For a time, he wrote, the Nation of Islam teachings helped him “graduate with distinction, earn a well-paying job straight out of college, and pursue my graduate degree, despite not growing up in the best of circumstances. My ultimate goal was to learn business.” He said he wanted to improve “the communities of the black and brown” in the United States. However, he wrote that he was no longer on that path, saying, “the path has been thwarted, as Allah (God) has chosen me for other things. Throughout life I have set goals, attained them, set higher ones, and then been required to sacrifice those things.” That post was on March 17, 2021.

The Nation of Islam Preaches a Separatist Ideology That Earned it a Hate Group Label

FacebookThe cover photo from Noah Green’s now-deleted Facebook page.

Britannica calls Muhammad the “leader of the black separatist religious movement known as the Nation of Islam (sometimes called Black Muslims) in the United States.” Farrakhan is a Nation of Islam leader noted for his Black separatist teachings and anti-Semitic comments.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Nation of Islam a hate group, writing that it considers whites “devils,” and indicating, “Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.”

The suspect was first named by MSNBC’s Pete Williams and other NBC journalists, who said he was 25 years old and from Indiana. Authorities have not yet confirmed the name.

On March 17, Green posted a “certificate of completion” from the Nation of Islam. It was labeled “Saviors’ Day Gift 2021” and was presented to Noah X of Norfolk, Virginia for “recognition of your sacrifice in making your word bond and completing your 2021 saviors’ day gift in the amount of $1,085.”

Noah green

FacebookA post from Noah Green’s Facebook page.

On his Facebook page, Green shared a video of the Reverend Louis Farrakhan. It was a YouTube video called the “Crucifixion of Michael Jackson.”

According to the SPLC, the Nation of Islam’s founders “held that over 6,000 years ago, the black race lived in a paradise on earth that was destroyed by the evil wizard Yacub, who created the white ‘devil’ through a scientific process called ‘grafting.'”

They “preached of a coming apocalyptic overthrow of white domination, insisting that the dominion of evil was to end with God’s appearance on earth…Following this, NOI predicts an epic struggle in which the Nation of Islam will play a key role in preparing and educating the Original People, who ruled the earth in peace and prosperity until…’blue-eyed devils’ came along to gum things up.” It adds, “The Nation of Islam teaches that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited.”

FacebookGreen’s Facebook post.

“I encourage everyone to study Revelations, study the signs of end times, study who the beast is, study who the anti-Christ is, study who the false prophet is, and study the created images during those times,” Green wrote on Facebook on March 17, 2021.

“The Minister is here to save me and the rest of humanity, even if it means facing death. Be willing to deny yourself and follow him, pick up your cross. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (his teacher, the exalted Christ) is alive and in power (I bear witness). Study the Minister, watch his lectures, study Elijah Muhammad, study the mother wheel (which is present here in America (I bear witness again). We have a little time.”

Green Wrote That He Was Undergoing ‘Unimaginable Tests’

FacebookA screenshot on Noah Green’s Facebook page.

In another post, also on March 17, Green indicated that he was having myriad difficulties in his life, which he called “some of the biggest, unimaginable tests.”

He said he was “currently now unemployed after I left my job partly due to afflictions, but ultimately in search of a spiritual journey.”


On March 21, Green wrote, “Satan’s rule over us is up.”

FacebookPart of a Facebook post by Noah Green.

He cited Elijah Muhammad’s teachings again, writing, “ALLAH SAID, ‘I have prepared for My righteous slaves as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard…”


Green shared a link to an Elijah Muhammad article titled “lull before the storm.” That story starts, “I am afraid for you, that you will receive what the people before you did receive. Allah (God) is very angry with America and the tricknology that she uses on the dead to keep them dead. You are very disappointing to Allah (God) and to the original Black man who knows himself (a very few) of course.”

FacebookGreen’s Facebook post

The article continues, “America wants to destroy God and me, and she wants to destroy you by deceiving you against following me. America lifts up all of my hypocrites and advises you to follow them, while she knows that you will be the loser.”

He also published a post about herbal healer Dr. Sebi.

Green once played football for Christopher Newport University Athletics, according to a web page on him that is still up.

The bio says he was a defensive back, who was 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighed 180 pounds. He was a junior at the time of the bio whose hometown was Covington, Virginia. His high school was listed as “Alleghany.”

The CNU biography gives some details about Green, including that he wished he could have met Malcolm X.

“Personal — Noah Ricardo Green was born in Fairlea, W. Va…Son of Mazie and Newotn Green…Has seven sisters and two brothers…Favorite sports personality is Russell Westbrook…Dream vacation is a trip to Jamaica…Person in history he’d most like to meet is Malcolm X…Most impressive person met is his grandmother…Favorite movie is Spiderman…Majoring in Business,” the bio reads.

Chief Robert Contee of Washington Metropolitan Police said police don’t believe the attack was motivated by terrorism, but it’s still under investigation. He said Green wasn’t known to Capitol police previously.

On Facebook, Green also posted an episode of For the Record, which was captioned, “five black female coaches sit down to talk about a real issue: The racial divide in NCAA coaching.”

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