Hillary Clinton Wikipedia Page Hacked, Showing Pornography

Hillary clinton Wikipedia hack, Hillary Clinton pornography, Hillary Clinton wiki


Hillary Clinton’s Wikipedia page was hacked on Thursday, briefly showing a pornographic image with a message warning what will happen if she is elected president. Whoever hacked the page was apparently a Donald Trump supporter, telling those visiting the site that they can “Save the America you know and love by voting Donald Trump.” Wikipedia editors fixed the page within minutes.

The full message read:

Hillary Clinton this Novmeber means proving how much of a spineless, boring cuck you are. Nuclear war will be inevitable, as will be Bill Clinton raping more women and children. Save the America you know and love by voting Donald Trump. Also girls send ass pics to @Meepysheepy.
This message has been brought to you by Meepsheep and the Gay N****r Association of America. Thank you for your time.

There is a Twitter user named “@MeepySheepy,” but the account has just eight tweets and none since 2012. However, there is an @MeepSheep, who has been retweeting news stories about the hack.

The message appeared hours after four women came forward with allegations that Donald Trump sexually assaulted them, allegations which the Trump campaign has denied. Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Mindy McGillivray and former People Magazine journalist Natasha Stonyoff came forward with allegations against Trump of sexual misconduct. Leeds’ anecdote dated back to the early 1980s, while Stonyoff wrote that she was assaulted by Trump in 2005. Trump has called these claims false and the Trump campaign has called on The New York Times to retract its story with Crooks’ and Leeds’ allegations.

The allegations surfaced after a 2005 tape of Trump talking to then-Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about an attempt he made to have sex with Nancy O’Dell. He also said that, as a celebrity, he could do “anything” with women. “You can do anything. … Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything,” Trump said.

Trump repeatedly called this “locker room talk.”

Back in 2015, Trump’s own Wikipedia page was vandalized. As The Verge reported at the time, Trump’s entire page was deleted.

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