Tax-Free Weekend is taking place this weekend for many states, but some states have already enjoyed their tax-free holiday last month. Still other states will be having tax-free weekend later in August. If you’re wanting to know when tax-free weekend is near you, here are the details. Tax-free weekend is happening in 17 states in 2019.
The states below are listed in alphabetical order. All states’ tax-free weekends begin at 12:01 a.m. on the first day and end at 11:59 p.m. on the last day.
Alabama: Alabama’s tax-free weekend already happened, unfortunately. It was July 19-21.
Arkansas: Arkansas’ tax-free weekend is August 3-4, 2019. That means it starts on Saturday and ends on Sunday of this weekend. In Arkansas, school supplies, school art supplies, school instructional materials, clothing and footwear less than $100 each, and clothing accessories of less than $50 per item qualify. You can see an itemized list here.
Connecticut: In Connecticut, tax-free weekend is August 18-24, so it’s actually longer than just a weekend for lucky people in this state. Clothing and footwear that cost up to $100 per item qualify. See more details on what qualifies here.
Florida: In Florida, tax-free weekend runs August 2-4 and applies to clothing less than $60 an item. Some school supplies that cost less than $15 an item also qualify. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
Iowa: In Iowa, tax-free weekend runs August 2-3. Qualified clothing and footwear less than $100 per item is included. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
Maryland: In Maryland, tax-free weekend happens August 11-17, so people in this state get more than a weekend to enjoy tax-free shopping. Qualifying clothing and footwear of less than $100 qualifies, along with the first $40 off a backpack. See more details here.
Massachusetts: In Massachusetts, tax-free weekend is August 10-11. Items that cost less than $2,500 qualify if they are part of a qualifying list. Only personal use items qualify, but there’s a long list of what doesn’t. See the full list here.
Mississippi: Mississippi’s already happened July 26-27, 2019.
Missouri: Missouri’s tax-free weekend is August 2-4. Qualifying clothing of $100 or less, school supplies of $50 or less, computers of $1,500 or less, software of $350 or less, and graphing calculators of $150 or less are among those that qualify. A lot of districts and cities aren’t participating, however. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
New Mexico: New Mexico’s tax-free weekend is August 2-4, 2019. Another one for businesses is coming up on November 24. Qualifying items in August include qualifying clothing or shoes less than $100, computers up to $1,000, hardware up to $500, school supplies less than $30 per unit. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
Ohio: Ohio’s event is August 2-4 and includes qualifying clothing of $75 or less, school supplies of $20 or less, and school instructional materials of $20 or less. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
Oklahoma: Oklahoma’s is August 2-4, 2019. Clothing and shoes less than $100 are tax-exempt if they fit in the qualifying categories. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
South Carolina: South Carolina’s is August 2-4. Qualifying clothes, accessories, shoes, computers, and even linens are included in this one, which is a little more expansive than some other states. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
Tennessee: Tennessee’s tax-free weekend already happened July 26-28, 2019.
Texas: Texas’ tax-free weekend is August 9-11, 2019. Qualifying backpacks, school supplies, clothing, and footwear of less than $100 each are tax-exempt. See more details here.
Virginia: Virginia’s tax-free weekend is August 2-4. Qualifying clothing and footwear of less than $100 and school supplies less than $20 each count, as well as qualifying hurricane and emergency preparedness products. See the details in Heavy’s story here.
This year, 17 states total are offering tax-free weekend. If your state isn’t listed above, then it isn’t participating in the back-to-school tax-free weekend events in July or August.