• How Hillary Clinton Could Win the Popular Vote but Lose the Election

    Hillary Clinton may have the most votes in the 2016 election but there is a good chance she could lose to Donald Trump. Find out the details here.

  • Why Donald Trump Won Wisconsin

  • WATCH: Why the Detroit Free Press Called Michigan for Hillary Clinton

  • What Will Happen to the International Stock Market if Trump Wins? It Isn’t Good

  • Can Hillary Clinton Win If She Loses Michigan?

  • Clinton vs. Trump: How Clinton’s Path Looked After Florida

    Florida went down to the wire, but Hillary Clinton could have won the electoral college without it. Until the Midwest came into play, anyway.

  • Where is Hillary Clinton’s Election Night Party?

  • Can Donald Trump Still Win If He Loses Florida?

  • Did George W. Bush Vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

  • What Will We Call Bill Clinton if Hillary Is Elected President?

  • Early Florida Voting Results: Huge Early Turnout in Dem Areas

    Florida election results show promising signs for Hillary Clinton as turnout is reportedly higher in Democratic strongholds than it was in 2012.

  • Election Day Chaos: Fights, Arrests & Other Polling Place Incidents

  • Tracking The Election With Social Media In Real-Time: How Accurate Is It?

  • Could Clinton or Trump Win the Popular Vote but Lose the Electoral College?

  • Clinton vs. Trump: What Exit Polls Are Saying on Presidential Election Day

  • Presidential Election Predictions: Clinton over Trump

  • Clinton vs. Trump: The 5 States to Watch Tonight Most Closely

  • States That Hillary Clinton Needs to Win in Order to Win the Election

  • Early Election Day Results: Clinton Leads Florida, Ohio — Races Look Tight

  • Clinton vs. Trump: Who Leads Final Battleground Polls Nov. 8?

    Latest 2016 presidential polls and election predictions show Clinton vs. Trump remains a tight race in some key battleground states with November 8 now here.

  • Where Will Donald Trump Be on Election Night?

  • What Time Will Election Results Start Coming In?

  • New Hampshire Is Already Voting & Trump Leads (By 7)

  • Early Voting Results: Final State-by-State Tallies November 8

  • Clinton vs. Trump: Election Odds for Nov. 8

    A slew of polls and forecasts have been released in the final 24 hours leading up to today's presidential election. Here is a breakdown of the latest forecasts.

  • Clinton vs. Trump: Is New Mexico in Play for Trump?

  • Clinton vs. Trump: 3 Ways the Electoral College Could Tie

  • What Happens if No Candidate Receives 270 Electoral College Votes?

  • Clinton vs. Trump: 6 Surprising but Possible Election Outcomes

  • Nevada Early Voting Results: Can Trump Still Win State?

    Nevada early voting results appear to favor Hillary Clinton due to high Latino voter turnout. But is there a way Donald Trump can still win the crucial state?