• POLL: Where Does LeBron James Rank Among the NBA Greats?

    As LeBron plays Game 7 for the chance to get the Cleveland Cavaliers a championship, where does he rank among the all-time greats in NBA history?

  • POLL: Who Will Liam End Up With on ‘Bold and the Beautiful'(B&B)?

  • POLL: Cotto vs. Alvarez- Who Wins?

  • Anthony Weiner Drops to Fourth in NYC Mayoral Poll Following Latest Scandal

  • Poll: 44% of Republicans Say Armed Rebellion May Be Necessary in U.S.

  • Pot Poll Shows Americans Now Favor Legalization of Marijuana

    A Pew Research Center poll shows the majority of Americans have shifted opinion to now be in favor of legalizing marijuana.

  • Congress Less Popular Than Colonoscopies and Nickelback

  • 58% of Americans Think Obama Could Kick Romney’s Ass

  • Poll: Should Politicians Be Barred From Speaking at 9/11 Memorial?

  • 15 Percent of Ohio Republicans Think Mitt Romney Killed Osama bin Laden

  • Zero Percent of African-Americans Support Mitt Romney: New Poll Says

    Mitt Romney's African-American outreach has apparently hit a bit of a snag.

  • What Type of Wizard is President Obama?