• Blueblood Johns of Zumba Whorehouse Block Names from Spilling into Public

    A judge in Maine infuriated clients of a Zumba studio / brothel by agreeing to release their names. But an appeal to the high court blocked the release today.

  • Sex.com Offers Hulk Hogan Open Checkbook for Sex Tape

  • Teacher Quits after Banging Virgin Boy in School Parking Lot

  • Man Bangs Married Chick While Driving, Kills Her & A Mom in Head-on Crash

  • ‘Sex Addict’ Police Chief Shelved as Cop Lover Wraps Lips Around Gloc & Tweets Pic

  • Science: Humans Sexed Neanderthals Out of Existence

    Humans and Neanderthals once lived together. Now they are bones, but once upon a time, they totally boned.

  • Sex Room at Lil Wayne’s 30th B-Day Had ‘Condoms, Lube & Tang’

  • Hot Brazilian Virgin Auctions Off Airplane Sex for Charity

  • 50 Cent Tweets 4-Step Guide on How to Quit Masturbating

  • Playboy names UVA Top Party School; School Demands Recount!

  • 70-Year-Old Twin Hookers Banged 355,000 Men: Top 10 Facts You Need To Know

    The Fokken sisters are notorious Amsterdam hookers who've bedded over 355,000 men. They're detailing their secrets in a new documentary called Countless.

  • New Study Shows Castrated Men May Live Longer Lives

  • Seth MacFarlane is Getting Ready to Bang that Chick from ‘Game of Thrones’

  • So Soft … Man Caught Having Sex with Sofa in Public

  • Japanese Man Cooks Own Penis & Testicles & Serves them with Mushrooms & Garlic

  • Rush Limbaugh Claims ‘Feminazis’ Are Shrinking Penises

  • Woman Finds Out Her Dead Husband Was Her Dad

  • Monica Lewinsky Tell-All: Bill Clinton Loves Threesomes; I Had Abortion

  • Artificial Hymens: Take Your Girlfriend’s Virginity Again and Again!

  • New Sex Study Proves Why ‘Dirty’ Girls Do Dirty Things

    Wanna know how to get that "Blumpkin" you've been asking for?

  • YouPorn Makes Hard Push to Buy Will and Kate Sex Photos

  • Skank Quack: I Did Not Kill Man By Injecting Silicone into His Penis to Make it Bigger

  • Kanye Watched Kim’s Sex Tape While Screwing Other Babes

  • Car Wash & Massage Parlor Offered Free Sex with Every 10th Wash

  • REVEALED: Silvio Berlusconi’s Underground Lair is Worthy of a James Bond Supervillain

    The sex-crazed ex-PM of Italy has an underground lair that would make Dr. Evil proud.

  • High School Football Players Score with Hookers on Team Trip

  • Condom Maker Falsely Claims to be in Town of Condom Near F**k River

  • What Your Spinal Cord Looks Like When You Get a Boner

  • Kim Kardashian Had Threesome with 2 Porn Stars, Says Porn Star

  • Russia Bans Sex Doll River Race in Most Soviet Uniony Move Since Pussy Riot

    Russia is banning pussy riots and sex dolls? What's next, outlawing dancing? Kevin Bacon, Russia needs you!