Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin’s Parents, Sybrina & Tracy: Where Are They Now?
Where are Trayvon Martin's parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, now? In 2019, where are they today? Here's what you need to know.
Temesghen Asmerom: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
George Zimmerman to Auction the Gun He Used to Kill Trayvon Martin
George Zimmerman Said He Would Kill Man After Road Rage
Trayvon Martin’s Mom Writes Letter to Michael Brown’s Family
PHOTOS: Remembering Trayvon Martin on the 2-Year Anniversary of His Death
Commemorating the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by looking back at the movement his death created.
Zimmerman Search Warrant: 3 Handguns, a Shotgun & AR-15 at Girlfriend’s House [DOC]
Zimmerman Arrested for ‘Sticking Gun in Girlfriend’s Face’ [911 Call]
Shellie Zimmerman Now Doubts George’s Innocence: Watch the New Interview
George Zimmerman Divorce: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
George Zimmerman Wants Florida to Pay Him $200,000
After being acquitted of murder, Zimmerman is trying to collect.
WATCH: Haunting Trayvon Martin PSA Video Targets ‘Stand Your Ground’
Could Florida Let ‘Facebook Wife Killer’ Get Off Like Zimmerman?
White Conservatives Calling for Boycott of Ebony Magazine, Claims Twitter
Zimmerman Stopped for Speeding in Texas With Gun in Car [VIDEO]
Marshall Coulter ID’d as New Orleans 14-Year-Old Shot in Head
Another Trayvon? 14-Year-Old ‘Intruder’ Shot in Head by 33-Year-Old Man
Zimmerman Juror B29 Speaks Out: ‘He Got Away With Murder’ [VIDEO]
LISTEN: Ted Nugent Calls Stevie Wonder ‘Brain Dead’ & Trayvon Martin a ‘Dope-Smoking Hoodlum’
Family Rescued By George Zimmerman Doesn’t Want to Be Associated With Him
The car crash victims who were rescued by George Zimmerman last week canceled a press conference at the last minute.
Trayvon Martin’s Dad Invited to Speak on Capitol Hill
‘Career Record Of Keeping People Alive, 1-1′ — Twitter Reacts to Zimmerman’s Car Crash Rescue
George Zimmerman Saves Car Crash Victims in ‘Heroic’ Rescue
WATCH: Obama Says ‘Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me’
WATCH: Charles Barkley Sides With George Zimmerman, Says Jury Was Right
Sir Charles weighs in on the most sensitive issue in America today.
Florida Governor Calls For ‘Day of Prayer’ Amid Zimmerman Outrage
‘Justice For Trayvon’ Protest: Next Stop Beverly Hills
Bruce Springsteen Dedicates Song to Trayvon Martin [VIDEO]
Juror B37 Releases a New Statement About Zimmerman Trial Book Deal
Lester Chambers Attacked for Dedicating Song to Trayvon Martin [VIDEO]
Soul singer Lester Chambers is recovering in the hospital after a woman violently attacked him during a performance he dedicated to Trayvon Martin.