• Eric Holder on Edward Snowden: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know

    Former Attorney General Eric Holder surprisingly said today that Edward Snowden did a 'public service' by leaking documents. Did he really endorse Snowden's actions?

  • Edward Snowden: ISIS Video’s ‘Encrypted Email’ Is Fake

  • Edward Snowden Joins Twitter & ‘Follows’ NSA

  • Edward Snowden NBC Interview: Top 5 Highlights & Revelations

  • Edward Snowden NBC Interview Preview: Top 5 Predictions

  • Brian Williams’ Edward Snowden Interview: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

    NBC's Brian Williams will air his interview with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden on May 28. It's Snowden's first interview with a mainstream American news outlet.

  • USA Freedom Act: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

  • PHOTOS: Glenn Greenwald & Laura Poitras Accept Polk Award in NYC

  • Frank Arthur Janssen: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

  • WATCH: Robot Snowden Talks Revelations at TED Talks

  • Now That She’s Spied On, Dianne Feinstein Is Finally Mad About Surveillance

    Today, Senator Dianne Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, spoke about CIA surveillance on Congress and congressional aides.

  • WATCH: Edward Snowden’s Full Talk at SXSW

  • READ: Edward Snowden Sends Testimony on Spying to EU Parliament

  • Edward Snowden Will Speak at SXSW

  • Blackphone, Ultra-Secure Smartphone: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

  • What 24/7 Government Location Tracking Would Mean for You

  • State of the Union 2014: Can Obama Win Back the Trust of Americans?

  • 90 More Days: Secretive FISA Court Renews Metadata Collection [DOCUMENT]

  • WATCH: Glenn Greenwald Speaks About NSA at 30c3 Keynote Address

  • WATCH: Edward Snowden Gives Christmas Address on UK’s Channel 4

    Alongside the Queen's annual Christmas message, Channel 4 offered viewers and alternative.

  • First Look Media: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

  • Judge: NSA Phone Spying Unconstitutional — ’James Madison Would Be Aghast’

  • WATCH: ‘The NSA Is Coming to Town’—the ACLU’s Christmas Video

  • The NSA is Monitoring People’s Porn Habits to Discredit Them

  • Edward Snowden Leads Voting for Time Person of the Year

    The NSA leaker who is hero to many, and the bane of Washington, may be Person of the Year.

  • Curtis Clark Green, Silk Road Operator: 5 Facts You Need to Know

  • Lavabit Starts Kickstarter Campaign For The Dark Mail Alliance

  • LIVE STREAM: Stop Watching Us Washington D.C. Rally Against NSA Surveillance

  • Liberal Eavesdropper Live-Tweets Ex-CIA Chief’s Secret Obama Bashing

  • Jeh Johnson, Obama’s Pick for Homeland Security: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

    Johnson supports drone strikes and mass surveillance — but he also ushered in the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell.