President Donald Trump is hosting a first annual “Salute to America” Fourth of July event today. Here are all the schedule details you’ll need about what time it’s taking place, the location, and the special guests who will be attending.
Salute to America Date: The event is happening today, July 4, 2019.
The Department of Interior describes the event as a “celebration of America’s military with music, military demonstrations, and flyovers,” WAMU reported.
In a statement, Secretary of Interior David Bernhardt said: “For the first time in many years, the World War II Memorial and areas around the Reflecting Pool will be open for the public to enjoy a stunning fireworks display and an address by our Commander-in-Chief. We are excited to open these new areas so that more visitors may experience this year’s Independence Day celebration in our nation’s capital.”
Salute to America Time: The event will last for one hour, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Eastern. Gates will open at 3:30 p.m. Eastern, but people will likely start lining up hours early to make sure they can get a seat.
This event is not going to overlap with any other major events in D.C., but it will come close. The National Independence Day Parade will happen from 11:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Eastern, ending just an hour before gates open for Salute to America.
The Capitol Fourth Concert will happen from 8-9 p.m. Eastern, so it’s starting just 30 minutes after Salute to America ends. And then the D.C. fireworks show happens from 9:07-9:42 p.m.
Some reports indicated that Trump’s event will have its own second fireworks display, but those sources are mixed, WAMU reported. CNN has reported that there will be two fireworks displays lasting 35 minutes total. The first will be behind the Lincoln Memorial at 9 p.m. Eastern, and the second will be from the West Potomac Park rather than the reflecting pool. Neither will conflict with Trump’s Salute to America event.
Salute to America Map & Location: This special Fourth of July event will take place at the Lincoln Memorial. Here’s a map showing the event’s location in correlation with all the other D.C. events happening.
Schedule and Special Guests:
Salute to America is designed to honor the armed forces. So you’ll enjoy music, military demonstrations, and more.
Including on the itinerary is a flyover by the Blue Angels and a flyover by Air Force 1. Guests can expect to see flyovers from all five branches of the military, NBC 4 reported.
The U.S. Army Band (Pershing’s Own), The U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Team, the Armed Forces Chorus, and the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps will also participate.
Trump is also planning to deliver a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Getting close seats for this part will require tickets from the White House, NBC 4 noted.
If you’re attending, note that large bags, canned drinks, iPads, tablets, and coolers will not be allowed, NBC 4 shared.