Travis Kelce’s Chiefs Teammates Give Their Real Thoughts on Him

Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce
Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce seems like the guy that everyone likes and adores, but how do his teammates really feel about him?

Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce seems like the guy that everyone likes and adores, but one might wonder how his teammates really feel about him. Sure, Kelce has a fun, outgoing personality that he displays both on and off the field. But, you never really know what someone is like to work, or play, with unless you speak with insiders.

Now, some of Kelce’s Chiefs teammates are speaking out about what it’s like working with him.

Travis Kelce is a ‘Guy Who Gives Energy,’ Kansas City Chiefs Colleague Says

In a January 21 feature for ESPN, NFL analyst and expert Adam Teicher caught up with former Chiefs player Alex to talk about Kelce.

Teicher, not surprisingly, had glowing words about Kelce, saying that if he were to put together a team with guys he’s played with before, “Travis is absolutely first-team on that list.”

“He’s in the huddle,” Smith added. “Travis is a guy who gives energy. Every interaction with him you like.” He also said that teammates “always feel better after talking to him.”

He added that he can’t say that about “many teammates” over the years. But, Kelce is different in a good way. “Some people are so magnetic and you love being around them, and Travis is one of those guys,” Smith said.

It’s not only past teammates who are singing the praises of Kelce. Speaking with Teicher, third-season linebacker Leo Chenal also said kind things his teammate and friend.

“He’s pumping us up every time we’re walking out on the field, [like], ‘Let’s go boys, let’s go,'” Chenal said. “Every time somebody makes a play, he’ll call him out specifically or go on the side after a play: ‘That’s great, that’s great. Keep it going, keep it going.’

So, what really stands out to Chenal about Kelce? The linebacker says Kelce is just “so personable” but also a “great leader.” Those things don’t always go together, so that’s a refreshing compliment.

Head Coach Andy Reid Talks Travis Kelce

Kelce had a stellar performance in the Chiefs’ Saturday, January 18, win over the Houston Texans. He notched seven catches, making 117 yards and a touchdown. His run has led to some people talking about how Kelce is able to turn it on and amp it up when the postseason arrives.

When asked on Monday, January 20, about Kelce stepping it up during Saturday’s game, Reid said that he’s “happy” for Kelce, but that “I think more of it is just we have a variety of guys around him.”

“The opportunities that he’s (Travis Kelce) had he’s done well with, and I don’t think it’s his play that has been reduced,” Reid added. “When everybody asks about age, by age or physical ability or anything, I just think that you have a variety of guys that we’ve been able to use around him,” Reid said, adding that when the Chiefs didn’t have the right guys around Kelce on the field, he wasn’t able to make those numbers.

Reid also mentioned that the team has a “good problem,” because the Chiefs are healthy and they have “choices” to surround Kelce on the field, so opposing teams can’t just focus on singling him out.

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Travis Kelce’s Chiefs Teammates Give Their Real Thoughts on Him

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