Nick Ring’s Ultimate Fighter 11 Blog: Episode 11

United States Marines Visit The Ultimate Fighter House-hold

The United States Marines came to visit us in the Ultimate Fighter house. For me to learn about how they operate in their day to day training and then to get to share a meal with the very people who keep America (and Canada) safe from invaders was a complete honour for me. I feel that the marines do not get enough credit for the sacrifices they make and I will always support them. I don’t care how many hippies complain either – complaining is privilege that you little pussies would not even have without these guys risking their lives day-in-day-out.

So I will just end this blurb by saying: Fuck you hippy – If you don’t love America then go live in Russia! And put on some deodorant you little coward!!

Kris Training For Josh

Things were very different this time around in training and I felt that Kris had really improved a lot from his first fight with Josh. I also felt that Josh might have been a little bit cocky after his fight with Yager. Not that he was doing anything outright rude but I could tell from the way that he was walking around the house that he was pretty confident he would beat McCray. The fact that he had beaten McCray last time they fought made me think that the tables may have somewhat turned and now Josh was taking McCray a little bit lightly.

All I know is that McCray was taking Josh very seriously this time and in just a matter of a couple of weeks I had seen a massive improvement in him – I predicted that McCray would win.

Social Dynamics in the Ultimate Fighter House

In the Ultimate Fighter house there were three very obvious cliques.

There was the “minority report” AKA – the “Farm Animals” (a term coined by Seth Baszinski). The “farm animals” consisted of Yager, McCray, Noke, and Tavares.

The 2nd clique in the house was the “I hate farm animals” group and this consisted of Hammortree, McKinney, and Kaycey Uscola. This little group had a lot of feelings of hostility towards the “farm animals” and all they ever seemed to want to talk about was how much they hated Yager and how badly they wanted to leave the Ultimate Fighter house and go back to their hometowns (and yes they were miserable to be around…. Ummm cough cough – I mean I loved being around those guys, they were so much fun).

The last clique in the house was everyone else who just wanted to stay out of it, and most of these people were on the blue team.
Note: I know that this is an over-simplistic model of the life in the Ultimate Fighter house and I also know that one of you who lived there with me will probably try to refute my clever little social model by saying that I am completely wrong but…. Before you say anything just read the rest of my story you little fudge packer!

My Relationship To The “Farm Animals”

I found myself in the cross-fire between the “farm animals” and the “I hate farm animals” groups because I was friends with all the guys in both groups (yes – even with Yager). I was not exactly “boys” with the “Farm Animals” but I at the same time I did share a bedroom/bathroom with 3 of them (Tavares/Yager/McCray) and because of the logistics of my sleeping quarters in relation to where they would hang out (which often happened to be my bedroom) I was in frequent contact with them. As a result of where my bed was, I was often locked in chit chat with the little Hommie-G’s as I was getting ready for bed.

As I got to know them a bit more I did start to like the “farm animals” but I must admit it did take me some time to get used to them. I think it was hard at first partly because me and the “farm animals” have very different communication styles. I am a person who is logical by nature and I generally speak in a very logical and sequential manner. Many of the things I like to talk about are very fact-based and they usually have some relevance to me achieving some kind of objective (I don’t often like to talk for the sake of talking and most of my conversations have some kind of purpose).

What I found from chit chatting with the guys in the “minority report” was that their style of communication involved a lot more banter and they would often talk in riddles. They would also use a lot of rapper-slang/talk and flowery-type speech/fluff words that don’t mean anything, and they would also make a lot of references to pop-culture. These are generally things that I don’t give a flying-fuck about on the best of days so it was definitely a challenge for me to try to relate to them.

That being said, I did sometimes enjoy listening to the “farm animals” interact with each other. I would hear them go back and forth and they would sometimes say some really funny stuff to each other that was quite ‘on-the-ball’. They were constantly engaged in verbal play with each other and would often “one-up” one another (all in good fun) and they were generally really positive around each other as a group – the problems only arose when they decided to play pranks and be obnoxious to people outside of their little clique. Sometimes they would be loud for the sake of being loud (they would often bang on pots and pans, or they would scream, or they would color on the walls like kindergarten kids) and their antics would often irritate the rest of us in the house (it would irritate some of us more than others, hence the “I hate farm animals” group).