How Many Attended Trump’s Newport News Rally? See Virginia Crowd Size & Overflow Photos
Trump held a rally in Newport News, Virginia, on September 25. See crowd and overflow photos and learn more about how many attended.
Trump held a rally in Newport News, Virginia, on September 25. See crowd and overflow photos and learn more about how many attended.
Trump held a rally in Minden, Nevada, on September 12. See crowd photos and learn more about how many attended.
Many people on Twitter are turning Melania Trump's RNC dress into a green screen.
A smaller-than-expected turnout has led the Trump Tulsa Rally to cancel its planned outdoor speeches, now only giving speeches indoors.
If you couldn't find Bernie Sanders during the SOTU, that's because he skipped this evening's State of the Union for his own rally and response later.
Ted Cruz tweeted "come and take it" about his cell phone during the impeachment trial, after people speculated about whether he had his phone with him or not.