As grim as a topic as it is, the threat of a nuclear blast occurring in this day and age is a real thing. It’s wise to be conscious of this fact and consider what your emergency plan should entail god forbid a nuclear survival scenario becomes reality. Surviving a nuclear blast and the nuclear fallout that immediately follows is no easy task, but with the right preparation and know-how, you and your family can stay both safe and healthy.
Think about things like your immediate surroundings, community, local climate, and potential evacuation routes when reading through this list. Really consider what you will need in order to endure a few weeks of fallout and the potential evacuation following – preparation is hands down the best way to increase your safety.
Our Review
Of course, every nuclear fallout kit needs to include Potassium Iodide tablets.
Being prepared in the event of a nuclear disaster starts with keeping your biology safe. It will be key to your present and long term health in a nuclear fallout scenario to intake as little radioactivity as possible. Radioactive Iodine is probably the most common radionuclide that could be present following nuclear fallout.
Your thyroid will take in and store this dangerous form of iodine if inhaled or ingested – greatly increasing your chances of thyroid cancer. The way these precautionary tablets work is that they essentially “fill up”, or saturate your thyroid with stable, non-harmful Iodide so any radioactive Iodide present will be processed and safely excreted by your kidneys. The idea is to occupy all the iodine receptors in your system with safe, non-radioactive Iodide so the dangerous forms of iodide present during and after nuclear fallout have “no space” to become absorbed in your thyroid.
These tablets are packaged nicely and come at an affordable cost. Each packet has 14 tablets, equaling 14 adult doses (daily). Newborns less than one-month-old should be administered about one-eighth of a tablet or 16mg daily. Children one month to three years in age should be given 32mg, or one-fourth of a tablet daily. Children who are three years to eighteen years of age should take half a tablet daily, or 65mg. Adult sized children who weigh 150 pounds or greater should take the full adult dose of 130mg daily.
In a nuclear fallout scenario where heavy exposure to radioactive Iodide is a serious threat, these doses will likely be recommended to be taken every 24 hours, but this medication is to be taken as sparingly as possible due to its potential side effects.
Ingesting Potassium Iodide can be dangerous to your health if you take the incorrect dose or administer the drug too frequently, so make sure to read instructions mindfully and have a good understanding of the drug before ingesting it.
For more information on this drug check out this link. Everyone in the family should have a packet or two on hand in order to ensure their radioactive exposure is kept to a minimum.
If you’re forced to embark on an evacuation out of the danger zone after a nuclear event, or you decide the best choice of action is to flee your area and remove yourself from a potentially dangerous populated zone, you’ll need a device that can reliably detect radiation levels.
The NukAlertTM Nuclear Radiation Detector and Alarm is a pocket-sized device that will instantly alert you if radiation levels are in excess of what’s considered safe. This device also indicates the level of radiological contamination, so you can make informed decisions on whether or not you and your party can handle the radiation effects for the estimated amount of time you’ll be exposed during evacuation.
Not only does this device instantly and accurately alert you to the presence of dangerous radiation, it’s also highly impact-resistant, waterproof down to 6 feet, and has even passed EMP immunity tests (passed DoD standards). The point here is, this is not a fragile monitoring instrument that will fail on you during a hectic and unpredictable emergency. Furthermore, this device is rated for 10-years of battery life, so you won’t need to be concerned about keeping it powered while on the move.
The NukAlert employs a patent-pending, state of the art detector technology that has been verified by independent National Radiological Laboratories. Simply explained, the device beeps at certain volumes and increments in order to describe radiation levels. There is a manual included with the purchase which is used to explain the instrument’s reading (in regards to radiation severity) – so be sure to spend some time getting to know its ins and outs. The instruction manual also includes some quality information regarding personal nuclear survival strategies, a valuable purchase in itself!
Featuring a detection range of 100 mR/hr to 5,000 R/hr, and Gamma and X-rays from 20 keV to above 2 MeV, this is a sound tool for its intended purpose of “is it safe out there?” applications. For more info on understanding radiation levels, units, and effects, you can visit the EPA’s page on radiation protection.
If you’re having a hard time determining which type of nuclear radiation detector to purchase for your survival kit, be sure to check out some more traditional style geieger counters, and other handheld devices such as the RADTriage Model50 Personal Radiation Detector for Wallet or Pocket.
The Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Power Station Kit is a brilliant solution to ensuring you have energy for your essential electronics in the event of a prolonged power outage.
Designed to be easy to use as well as portable, this kit includes an Explorer 1000 Power Station, paired with two SolarSaga 100 Solar Panels. Both devices can be used separately from each other, but together, you should have essentially unlimited power as long as there’s at least a bit of sunshine.
According to the brand, “The Explorer 1000 is geared with a massive 1002 Wh capacity and 1000 high running wattage to power your full-size refrigerator, TV, heater, electric grill, blanket, and more for your outdoor and home needs.”.
This is no ordinary power bank – it’s far more capable than your standard backup power sources and behaves more like a gas generator than a high-capacity battery. This power source furthermore runs silently unlike gas-powered alternatives, so you won’t alert your surroundings to the fact that you have power.
Featuring three standard pure sine wave AC outlets, as well as DC and USB outlets, there’s almost nothing you can’t power or recharge with this unit.
The solar panels are easy and intuitive to set up, so if you end up requiring more energy than the power station has on reserve, getting them deployed and operational is a breeze.
Keep in mind that a nuclear weapon when detonated can create an electromagnetic pulse effect or EMP. In the event of an EMP, electronics can be damaged or rendered useless, so store this kit as far removed from the potential blast zone as possible – ideally buried in your fallout shelter. The same goes for any other electronic devices you have in your nuclear fallout kit.
If and when you need to leave your shelter and enter the fallout zone, you’ll need a respirator to eliminate the chance of inhaling radioactive dust and particulates still present in the atmosphere. This Tactical Full Face Respirator Emergency Escape Mask from Parcil Distribution is designed to filter out organic and inorganic gases and vapors, acid gases, solid particles, and more, making it a top of the line option for civilian use.
Inhaling radioactive dust can be a death sentence. Even if you’re located hundreds of miles away from the location of a nuclear blast, the radioactive fallout can absolutely still afflict you due to the fact that it’s airborne and carried by the wind. It’s not the air itself that’s radioactive, but the solid particulates within it, so if you can filter out even the finest diameter particles, you should be safe from radiation sickness.
This means sealing in your shelter as air-tight as possible while waiting for rescue or for radiation levels to subside to more manageable levels for safe evacuation is dramatically important. Keep in mind that radioactive fallout will furthermore accumulate as dust on exposed surfaces, so if you have to enter the fallout zone, be careful not to touch anything (could stir dust up), and cover your skin entirely.
This is a low profile respirator with a tactical matte black finish and a 6-point adjustable mesh head harness. It furthermore features a wide panoramic view, impact-resistant face shield, and anti-fog air circulation, so the brand has designed this respirator knowing you may need to move fast and deliberately through a hectic environment.
This mask utilizes standard 40-mm filter canisters and includes one premium quality N-B-1 40mm filter pod, so you can outfit it with a filter designation of your choosing.
The RADTriage Model50 Personal Radiation Detector is a wearable, reliable, and fail-proof (no moving parts or electronic) device for instantly detecting radiation levels in your vicinity after a nuclear event. Able to fit within a pocket or wallet, the sensor of the RADTriage50 dosimeter instantly develops color that intensifies with an increase in radiation dose.
According to the brand, “RADTriage is the only dosimeter with the right dose range to instantly triage the exposure for medical treatment and minimize panic and worry in an event of a radiological incident.”. While it’s certainly not the only option, this is a great choice of portable dosimeter for on-the-go use.
The card works by displaying the radiation level in your vicinity and also offering a reference indicator that shows you the risk of exposure. Once the card is exposed to radiation and shows a reading, it does not reset – so these radiation detectors are for one-time use. Consider purchasing one for every member of your family in order to ensure everyone is covered, and also to compare readings to check for consistency.
While this is not an advanced piece of technology that will provide you with prolonged, precise radiation intel, it is an EMP-proof device that might be invaluable if debating whether or not the coast is clear for an on-foot evacuation.
Staying up to speed with national alerts and announcements during a nuclear event, or any national emergency for that matter, is pivotal to good decision-making during times of crisis. A powerful and reliable emergency radio is one of the most important items to include within your survival kit for this reason.
The Midland WR400 Deluxe NOAA Emergency Weather Alert Radio is an awesome quality option from a trusted brand that’s both easy and intuitive to use, as well as surprisingly affordable. With a tool like this, you can stay tuned in to important information and have the best chance of receiving real-time alerts, stay-at-home orders, or evacuation instructions.
This mindfully designed radio has loads of features, but the most practical in regards to surviving a nuclear disaster is the NOAA Weather Scan and Alert feature. This tool will automatically scan through seven available weather (WX) band channels in order to seek out flood, tornado, thunderstorm, civil danger warnings, and more. The WR400 will furthermore lock onto the strongest weather channel in order to alert you of severe weather updates and emergencies. – sounding a customizable alarm to indicate any broadcasted risks in your area.
Integrated S.A.M.E. technology (Specific Area Message Encoding) goes on to automatically lock on to your county’s NOAA weather radio signal, so this device requires minimal programming out of the box. You can program your radio to receive weather alerts/warnings from up to 25 different counties, and then be alerted only when those specific counties are under threat.
The WR400 will also receive AA batteries in the event of a power outage or EMP effect, so be sure to store this vital electronic deep in your bunker or make-shift shelter in order to ensure its operation when you need it.
If you want to be even more equipped, consider purchasing a long-range, two-way radio such as the Midland 40 Watt GMRS MicroMobile Two-Way Radio in order to communicate with your community or rescue personnel from the safety of your shelter.
If you’re unsure of which radio device or devices make the most sense for your emergency plan, then check out the Midland Radio store and browse some of their long-range, two-way, CB, and weather-alert radios in order to decipher which makes the most sense for you.
The Ready America 72 Hour Elite Emergency Kit is a curated grab-and-go system for evacuating your immediate surroundings and fleeing to a safer zone in the event of a national emergency. Designed to support four people for three days in the field, this highly inclusive kit will dramatically boost you and your family’s chances of a smooth evacuation.
Equipped with a plethora of essential tools, hygiene and first-aid products, and food and water rations, this kit includes all of the must-haves and a few extra items that you may or may not consider pivotal for survival. If you’re building a bug-out bag, this is a great template to start with that you can then customize to your specific climate, local terrain, caloric needs, and more. By swapping out some of the less relevant kit components for tools, rations, and devices that are directly in line with your escape plan, you can turn this emergency kit into a perfectly customized assemblage of gear.
Most important to note – the food and water rations have a five-year shelf life, so be sure to keep an eye on expiration dates. There is a firestarter and tinder included, but no stove or cooking system, so if you plan on consuming food items other than the provided calorie bars, be sure to consider this.
The provided backpack is of sound quality, but you can consider purchasing a more robust, tougher backpack for even greater reliability and/or capacity.
The ALPS OutdoorZ Commander Backpack is an ideal option for using as your survival pack. This bag is designed for hunting expeditions, but it’s also perfectly suited as a survivalist pack depending on your needs.
It’s a heavier pack at about seven pounds and built to accommodate gear such as firearms and ammunition/arrows. Depending on the state of things outside of your shelter, you may have the incentive to bring along your firearms while evacuating the area as a safety measure.
The unique fastening system employed for securing a rifle, crossbow or traditional bow could also be used to secure a wide range of equipment, making this a pretty versatile backpack. There’s an awesome array of pockets, pouches and strapping for packing tons of gear – so if you’re looking for a bag to truly load up then this is it.
The frame can be worn alone without the pack and used as a freighter frame, a pretty neat concept that could be used to accommodate a bunch of different loads. The idea here is to be able to load up the pack with the game you shoot in the wilderness – but having the option to use this pack as a bare frame could come in handy for a variety of reasons.
The bag also loads from the top and front so there’s a lot of ways to pack and unpack it. For the prepper who wants to own a rugged, high capacity backpack, this option from ALPS is a great go-to. If every member of your family has a backpack with this amount of capacity, then you can leave your shelter carrying quite a bit of gear – the more practical equipment you bring the better your chances of staying safe.
Check out our Best Survival Backpack list for some other great backpack options.
The Byrna SD Self Defense Pepper Launcher Ultimate Bundle is a wise tool to consider owning if you lack home defense or self defense tools/strategies. Featuring an effective range of up to 60 feet with an average projectile speed of 300 feet per second, this is an effective and easy to use non-lethal solution for deterring potential threats to you and your family.
There are no background checks or permits required to own and carry this self defense tool, so anyone over the age of 18 can make this purchase.
Reengineered with a performance straight trigger, sticky ergonomic honeycomb grip, and enhanced sights for faster and more effective target acquisition, the brand has designed this pepper launcher to look, feel, and operate like a real firearm.
Powered by 8g CO2 canisters and compatible with both self defense kinetic ammunition and pepper ball ammunition, this is a versatile tool that, in our opinion, you rather have and not need, than need and not have.
The effects of pepper balls are wildly unpleasant, so in the event of an attempted home invasion or supply-heist, this is an effective deterrent once you have a little practice with this tool.
This purchase includes the Byrna SD Launcher, five rounds of pepper ammunition, five rounds of Eco-Kinetic training ammunition, five rounds of Kinetic Training/Self Defense ammunition, seven 8g CO2 canisters, and an additional 50 rounds of self defense ammo. This package deal sets you up with just a bit of propulsion (CO2 canisters) and pepper ball ammunition, so consider visiting the Byrna store and acquiring a reserve of each.
A well put together, inclusive first aid kit is a must for any type of emergency preparedness kit. The Uncharted Supply Co. First Aid Pro Kit is a great option for nuclear preppers due to its extensive array of components, and portability.
You may want to build out an even more inclusive array of first aid suplies for your fallout shelter, but if and when it comes time to get on the move, this is a suitable kit for grab-and-go applications.
A few of our top recommended fully equipped first aid kits for the home base include the Lightning X Jumbo Medic First Responder EMT Trauma Bag and the Rapid Care First Aid 3 Shelf ANSI/OSHA Compliant All Purpose First Aid Cabinet.
Weighing just over one pound and built compact, this kit from Uncharted Supply Co. will easily slide inside your survival backpack or bug-out bag. The 600D Oxford polyester construction with a water-resistant coating will furthermore ensure it stays safe in there. The brand even includes a small amount of unused storage space within this kit for stashing personal medications, sunscreen, or other potentially necessary items.
- 20 sterile adhesive dressings
- 4 antiseptic skin wipes
- 3 cotton gauze swabs
- 2 safety pins
- 2 pair nitrile gloves
- 1 SMART bandage
- 1 triangular bandage
- 1 emergency blanket
- 1 30 ml saline
- 1 first aid booklet
- 1 CPR card
- 1 notepad
The First Lite Vapor Stormlight Ultralight Rain Jacket is an excellent packable rain layer to own for foul-weather treks that will pack remarkably lightweight and compact within your bug-out bag.
Designed for intensive expedition hunting, the brand describes this jacket as: “Our most lightweight, breathable, and packable foul weather system for high exertion backcountry hunts when weight and pack space are imperative.”. In other words, it’s a performance layer that is very easily stuffed into an already full pack for if/when you need it.
Impressively lightweight and compressible at just 12 ounces, the Vapor Stormlight offers 42k breathability and 30k water resistance via exclusive 37.5 Active Carbon Technology. With a layer like this, you’ll remain bone dry in the field without becoming overheated during periods of high exertion.
Built-in stretch and biomechanically accurate shooters sleeves and shoulders go on to ensure you have a full range of motion while actively trekking, while the 3D Turret hood construction goes on to provide a maximized field-of-view, even in the pouring rain.
Ample storage for basic items is found within the integrated zippered pockets at the waist, and the seals on both the pockets and zippers are well-rated for reliability.
A potentially imperative piece of apparel while traveling on foot and seeking refuge, it’s most definitely wise to own a performance outdoor jacket such as this for emergency scenarios.
The SITKA Gear Mountain Pant is an exceptional quality garment for long treks over varied terrain through foul weather and harsh conditions. Designed as a waterproof hunting pant for demanding backcountry expeditions, this rugged garment will make a great addition to any survival kit.
These pants are crafted to be quiet, durable, and lightweight for traversing difficult terrain. The Mountain Pant also offers some adequate insulation (especially if you layer), so they will keep you warm if the climate or conditions are dangerously cold when you need to brave the outside world.
Tapered legs and a fully gusseted crotch keeps these pants super low profile and therefore highly mobile. You’ll want to retain a full range of motion and be comfortable while trekking, so this detail is not to be overlooked. There are even removable knee pads in order to avoid scrapes and bangs to your knee caps.
The DWR finish makes these pants highly resistant to water – but they’re not fully waterproof hunting pants. They won’t wet out in regular rain, but if you brave torrential conditions you’ll want something a bit more suited for the wetness. The Downpour Pants also by Sitka are a great go-to if you want to ensure you’re dry out there.
The Minus33 Merino Wool Chocorua Midweight Crew is a brilliant layer to own for a variety of survival scenarios
Performance apparel is overlooked by a lot of emergency preppers. Having warm, reliable layers and clothing in a survival situation could prove to be really important. If you live in a climate where temperatures can get pretty low, it’s wise to own some cold-weather layers in case you have to go without heat for an extended period.
Another thing to consider is what are you going to wear when you venture out of your shelter to get to safety if temps are freezing? You’re going to want some lightweight and toasty layers to keep your body temperature stable without bogging you down too much. Wool is the superior material for keeping in your heat.
Wool clothing will continue to insulate you even after getting wet, making it the ideal material to suit up in for long, grueling trips on foot. You never know how long and how far you might have to trek to safety after fallout has passed, so prepare for a serious voyage with some serious layers.
This thermal layer by Minus33 is a solid option for keeping warm without adding too much weight to your survival gear or on your person. This is a great layer to pair with a heavier jacket in order to keep your precious body heat contained during cold weather.
This might seem like a silly item to include in a nuclear fallout survival list, but being comfortable and maintaining an even body temp is super important to your health whether you’re in or out of your fallout shelter.
Other layers worth owning to go along with this thermal are a few pairs of durable and warm wool socks, as well as some lightweight thermal pants. Here’s a link to some nice quality women’s thermal bottoms and also a women’s mid weight thermal top.
The Ultimate Survival Medicine Guide: Emergency Preparedness For ANY Disaster is a must-have piece of literature for virtually any prepper.
Knowledge is power. In the aftermath of a nuclear blast, you can definitely expect problems of all sorts to arise both within your shelter and outside it when you venture out. Having some informative guides and handbooks to assist you with things like medicine, survival skills, and securing safe water and food could be the difference between life and death.
Even the most capable survivalists could use some help sometimes, so its really worth having some literature on hand to help you with things like setting a broken bone, or purifying contaminated water with minimal equipment. Remember, when someone in your group of survivors suffers a nasty burn or begins to fall seriously ill, there won’t be any hospitals open or even a google search available to assist you. You’re going to need a small library to support you in surviving.
The best way to ensure you and your family stay healthy is to not have to rely on anyone – so set yourself up for success with some valuable handbooks.
This is a highly reviewed handbook to do-it-yourself emergency medical treatment that is praised for its clear and effective descriptions and instruction. The authors, Joseph and Amy Alton are medical professionals who have put together a really quality handbook here.
Some other reading material definitely worth owning in a nuclear fallout scenario might include the “Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living” by Jim Cobb and “The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide” by Daisy Luther.
Be prepared and have the answers to all the survival questions you might have on hand and ready to assist you.
Included within our list of the best non-lethal home defense tools, Prepper’s Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary by Jim Cobb is a valuable piece of literature worth reading through and having on hand to reference in case of an emergency. Remember that electronic information might not be accessible due to a potential EMP, so hard-copy survival books will prove to be an invaluable resource post nuclear disaster.
Loaded with a variety of instructions on how to implement a complete plan for operational security and physical defense of your home, this security guide leaves no box unchecked. Covering topics such as perimeter security systems and traps, secure and hidden storage, house fortifications and safe rooms, firearm and defensive combat techniques, gathering intelligence, and forming alliances, this is a truly comprehensive read.
If you’re thinking about security and deciding which home defense tool(s) to go with, this will work as an informative guide for generating the best possible home security strategy for your specific needs. Preppers who are serious about their home defense system and emergency plan will be wise to give this book a thorough read, and then stash it in their library.
This hand crank and solar-powered radio by Esky is a multi-purpose survival item that could come in handy in quite a few ways. Radio communication will likely be one of the only ways to effectively communicate in a nuclear fallout scenario – having the ability to stay tuned in to what’s happening in your local area will be absolutely key to keeping yourself and your family safe.
It’s maybe the most important item on this list considering the aid or assistance you might miss out on in a survival scenario where you have no radio. For some additional Emergency radio options, check out our list of the Best Hand Crank and Solar Powered Emergency Radios.
This unit is particularly capable as an emergency radio because it can be self-powered by the included crank and also charged by solar power or by a micro USB cable. There’s a power bank for charging other USB compatible devices and a decent, 50-lumen flashlight included, so this unit has truly been made with a disaster scenario in mind.
This radio is impressively lightweight and compact at only 8 ounces, so it can come with you when you need to leave your shelter.
One minute of cranking will give you up to 20 minutes of radio time or 30 minutes of flashlight power. It’s a portable power bank that if treated with care will provide you with unlimited juice for your devices.
Stay tuned in to what’s happening from within and outside of your shelter and don’t miss any updates or announcements on the situation.
Every survival kit calls for a highly capable flashlight for support during prolonged power outages and for the potential need to travel outside of one’s shelter after dark. The Ledlenser P18R Rechargeable 4,500 Lumen LED Work Flashlight is a truly POWERHOUSE light that offers a downright remarkable level of illumination in a very reasonably portable package.
Offering a wide array of different light modes for each and every scenario, this light has a max setting of 4500 lumens and can light up targets up to 720 meters away. The light focus is also of course adjustable in order to shift from flood light, to spotlight, and everything in between.
If you need to examine your surroundings in the pitch black, locate lost members of your party, or even signal rescue personnel, this is a fantastic tool for the job.
Not only is the P18R exceptionally bright, it also features long battery life. On the lower light modes, this flashlight will remain charged for up to 70 hours! It is also built with a rechargeable battery, so you can keep it operational with a portable power bank.
Lastly and perhaps most important, Ledlenser has engineered this light with rubber covers and a protective lens shield to absorb shock and impacts. It’s also IPX5 water-resistant, so it won’t mind getting a little damp out in the field.
Be sure to check out our lists highlighting the best hunting headlamps and camping lanterns for some other highly capable lighting solutions for at home and while on the move.
The SureFire HS3-A-BK Maximus Rechargeable Variable-Output LED Headlamp is a virtually indestructible, high-powered, hands-free lighting option that may prove to be an important tool post nuclear fallout.
It’s safe to assume that after certain nuclear events, there will be no power. Owning a reliable, rechargeable flashlight or headlamp is a great way to ensure you can maintain your sight after dark, whether you plan on leaving your shelter or not.
This impressive headlamp offers 1 to 1000 Lumens by simply twisting the one-hand adjustment dial, so you can carefully control the light output, and therefore the rate of battery depletion. A precision reflector goes on to produce a wide, smooth beam optimized for your field of vision, and the light can also be rotated a full 90 degrees.
Fully shockproof and waterproof, this light is furthermore engineered to take a heavy beating in stride, so it won’t fail on you even if you’re hard on it.
A no-chafe headband with a moisture-wicking Breath-O-Prene forehead pad goes on to ensure a snug and comfortable fit, so you’ll forget you’re even wearing this 5.1 ounce headlamp until you need it.
A bit on the expensive end yes, but this is a price point worth paying when you consider the level of integrity and functionality here. Be sure to check out our list of the best hunting headlamps for some additional rugged lighting options.
If you anticipate your evacuation outside of the potential fallout zone may take longer than one day, you’ll need a reliable shelter to remain dry, insulated, and as far removed from any airborne radioactive particulates and dust as possible while exposed outside. The Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Survival Shelter is a highly packable, easily deployable, and wonderfully affordable option for your bug-out bag.
This is a waterproof and windproof two-person tube style tent built from an extra-thick tear and puncture-resistant polyethylene material. Setting it up is as easy as running the 20 foot, 550-pound nylon core paracord through both ends of the tube tent and then tying it between two trees or sturdy objects about 3 or 4 feet off the ground.
Weighing in at just 8.7 ounces and packing down into a 5.25 by 3.25 inch stuff sack, this tent is furthermore exceptionally portable, so it won’t occupy much space in your survival kit or bug-out bag.
A reflective interior goes on to reflect 90% of your body heat, so this tent will effectively insulate you in cold environments.
No doubt a no-brainer for wise preppers considering its packed size and more than fair price-point, Go Time Gear has engineered a brilliant piece of survival equipment with this one.
If you’re on the move for a few days on your way to a safe zone, then you’re going to need some sleeping accommodations. As mentioned previously, your backpack is going to have a ton of required gear in it, so saving space where you can is a must.
The TACT Bivvy Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag is a pretty incredibly compact and virtually weightless sleep system at 4.8 ounces. It’s waterproof, tear-resistant and windproof, so it’s up for a rugged journey. This isn’t going to be terribly comfortable, but it will keep your body temperature where it needs to be.
This sleeping bag can be used alone or as a liner for another sleeping bag.
It comes in a stuff sack, so it can be reused. If you pair this bag with a lightweight and compact hammock, you could have a pretty comfortable sleeping situation while on the move.
Trust me, comfortability should be your last concern in a nuclear survival scenario, but it’s also important to keep your body well rested so don’t rule out adding a portable hammock or sleeping pad to your survival pack if you can fit it.
Another item you might consider for yourself or your family while on the move is a tent. Check out this list of inexpensive, but adequate tents and this list of ultralight backpacking tents for some insight on what sort of unit you might want to own in your survival kit.
The LifeStraw is an absolutely pivotal survival item for virtually any emergency situation. While this is a trusted, great go-to filter for survival scenarios, make sure to check out our top list pf portable water filters for some alternative options.
Clean water will no doubt be a seriously valuable commodity in the aftermath of a nuclear blast. The best way to prepare for this fact is to have at least a week or two of water stored within your shelter. Eventually, it will be time to evacuate your fallout shelter and get to safer, less radiated ground. When you receive the word that it is time to flee the danger zone and make your way to safety you won’t be able to take much water with you considering how heavy and cumbersome it is.
The LifeStraw shouldn’t be trusted to make water from within the nuclear fallout zone safe to drink due to radiation – but as you travel from the affected area towards safer, less radiated territory this unit could save your life. The idea is to pack enough clean water with you to get out of the most radiated areas and then when your water runs out have a portable filter to provide with clean water as you distance yourself from the blast zone.
Who knows how far you might have to trek before receiving any real aid. Masses of people might be walking the highways out of major cities all at once as radio broadcasts instruct them to, so competition for water could be high. Having the ability to stop and drink from a pond, stream or even puddle could save your life.
For some detailed information on harvesting, treating and storing water in an emergency scenario, check out The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide by Daisy Luther.
I think we can all be amazed at the water filter created by LifeStraw. This could be the most practical and crucial piece of survival gear on this list — because nothing is more important than clean water in a survival scenario. A seriously cool recent innovation in safe water filtration, the LifeStraw has changed the game for both packing and consuming water while trekking or enduring situations where clean water is scarce.
For an amazing price point, you can safely drink from freshwater sources in confidence. Some landscapes in particular are ideal for owning a LifeStraw if there’s an abundance of river water or lakes in your area. The LifeStraw removes a minimum 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria (>LOG 6 reduction) and even surpasses EPA standards for water filters.
Without employing iodine, chlorine, or any other chemicals, the LifeStraw is designed to filter up to 1000 liters of contaminated water throughout its lifespan. I even read some customer reviews that claimed the lifespan of their LifeStraw was more than doubled by attaching a regular coffee filter to the end of the device with a rubber band – pretty smart!
For such a reasonable price it’s in my opinion totally worth owning a bunch of these units in case of a disaster scenario where clean water is an issue. These could also be a seriously valuable item to trade with other survivors for equipment or rations you might not have.
Here’s an additional item to check out for treating water that might contain radiological contaminants while you’re still in the danger zone — a filtration straw by Seychelle capable of filtering 25 gallons.
Here’s one more item to consider for your shelter or home if staying warm is a concern where you live. The Mr. Heater 4,000-9,000-BTU Portable Radiant Heater is an impressively compact and high-powered heater that could save the day if you need to endure the cold.
A nuclear strike during the dead of winter in a cold climate area could leave a lot of people helplessly frigid when the grid goes down. Having a small and portable, yet effective heating unit like this could keep you and your family from getting dangerously cold. Also consider how if conditions don’t allow for a fire to be built how this unit might save the day.
This tent-friendly space heater by Mr. Heater is an impressive piece of equipment. Campers and outdoorsmen of all kinds praise this heater for its reliable and consistent heat output, so it’s been thoroughly tested.
When it’s just too savagely chilly outside (or inside) to maintain a safe body temperature, firing up a unit like this could help you come back to life. It’s highly portable, so if you need to leave the house in a hurry and endure exposure to dangerously low temps, this heater is small enough to come for the ride.
It could be all the difference in securing a safe and comfortable shelter during an on-the-go survival scenario. This unit puts out 4,000 to 9,000 BTUs for spaces up to 225 square feet. The Mr. Heater has an auto shut-off feature if it detects low oxygen. The unit will also shut off if it tips over or if the pilot light goes out. I was skeptical about the idea of sleeping with a radiant heater in a tent or shelter due to safety concerns, but it turns out the technology is quite sound.
All you have to do is connect this unit to a propane tank or utilize a propane canister and then you’re all set to turn the heat on.
Storing and or traveling with propane might not be practical depending on your situation, so consider other alternatives for staying warm like this emergency fire kit by Zippo. It’s a very portable and waterproof capsule that contains the means to get a fire going with ease. If you have some experience lighting primitive fires then including a simple flint in your fallout shelter or survival backpack is also a wise move.
Make sure you’re hitting all the bases with what you might need to stay safe in and outside of your shelter and don’t overlook your body temperature as one of the most important things.
See our list of the best tent heaters for some alternative rugged options for keeping warm in the home, or out in the field.
The Solo Stove Light is a very wise option for the survivalist who wants to leave the fuel canisters behind and save space in their pack for other gear.
This lightweight (less than a pound) and highly portable camp stove can fit in a backpack easily and doesn’t require the added weight of propane or butane canisters.
If you’re going to be evacuating the radiated area to safety through spaces that provide an abundance of twigs, leaves and pine cones, then this stove could save you some serious space and weight in your bag. This is a great unit to add to your home emergency kit as well – because when fuel becomes scarce you’ll still have an adequate stove to prepare meals (assuming there’s somewhere in your shelter to have an open flame going).
All you need for meal making is a compact mess kit and you’re all set! Constructed from stainless steel, this unit is corrosion resistant and will hold up to high heat just fine. The three-arm pot support system provides a stable cooking platform for a pot or pan. Due to its small size, you cannot really effectively cook with a large pot or pan – but it’s large enough to cook with most cooking ware.
If you’re looking for a real space saving stove that will perform without needing any fuel, then definitely check this one out. Another option in fuel-less portable cooking is using solar power – check out this highly portable solar oven for another solid survival option.
Owning a highly portable camp stove that can be used to heat meals and boil water at home or on the go is a brilliant tool to include in your nuclear survival kit. Primus’s Ultra-Packable Firestick Backpacking Stoves are an easy to use, high quality, and affordable option that should absolutely be on your radar.
Measuring just 1.4 by 1.4 by 4.1 inches and weighing in at 3.7 or 3.1 ounces depending on which model you spring for, this is an exceptionally packable, pocket-sized stove system you can truly take anywhere. Featuring an impressive 8530 BTUs of cooking strength, the Firestick furthermore holds its own when compared to even more robust, heavier camp stoves.
This is a great solution for bringing along a cook system in the event you need to pack a bug-out bag and evacuate to a safer-zone.
Pot supports are present for easier cooking while a recessed burner provides flame protection in windy conditions. A fine control valve goes on to enable precise flame and heat control, so you can conserve fuel, and blast the heat when you need to. There is also a built-in piezo ignitor, so there is no lighter required to get this unit going.
An included wool storage pouch can also double as a potholder, or be used to stash other essential gear.
Available in robust stainless steel, and ultralight titanium, you really can’t go wrong with either model considering there’s just a 0.6-ounce difference in packed weight.
WaterBrick Stackable Food Storage Containers are a brilliant solution to storing your emergency water and rations in a compact and orderly manner.
Having a secure stockpile of clean water and nutritious foods is one of the best things you can do in a nuclear fallout scenario. Remember that venturing outside soon after a nuclear blast is a HUGE no-no because of radiation exposure, so remaining in your shelter while the worst of the fallout passes is essential. Make sure you have enough food and clean drinking water stored to stay hidden away in your shelter (or basement) for at least two weeks.
Radioisotopes dissipate pretty quickly, so although the radiation threat is still very much present weeks after a blast, it will be FAR lower than the first couple of days after the explosion. It’s all about minimizing your exposure to radiation while it’s strongest – and then fleeing the area quickly as soon as it’s safe to.
Check out our Best Emergency Food Storage Containers list for a look at some other food and water storage options.
The WaterBrick stackable storage container is a seriously effective approach to preserving rations and food items. Each unit has a three and a half gallon capacity and is totally stackable – it’s like legos for all of your emergency food/water supplies! A set of these will no doubt make a great addition to your fallout shelter or pantry.
Check out this video for a demonstration of how easily these units store and stack.
There’s a wide mouth on each unit, so you can fit a lot of different food items within – but these containers are probably best paired with dry bulk food. Remember to eat high-protein foods sparingly if you only have a limited water supply – your body requires more water to digest proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates.
If you’re interested in owning some more portable food storage containers, check out these heat-sealable mylar bags. These are a good option for storing rations and also can be taken with you when you receive the word that it’s time to flee your shelter and travel to safety.
While stockpiling food and water rations is of course the most important facet of enduring extended survival situations, the overall nutritional value of calorie bars, freeze-dried meals, and dehydrated foods is not ideal for maintaining even short-term health. Most survival rations are designed to keep your body effectively going, not to nourish it with all of the vitamins and minerals your biology needs.
A well-rounded, highly inclusive multivitamin like this option from the Garden of Life, is a great way to ensure your body retains acceptable vitamin/mineral levels while persisting on high-calorie, low-nutrient foodstuffs. The above link is for men’s vitamins, but the brand offers a women’s multivitamin, as well as an option for kids.
This is a “raw” multivitamin, meaning it’s vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free, and contains no binders or fillers. This well-rounded option also includes live probiotics and enzymes plus antioxidants, so you’re really hitting all the bases here.
Survival scenarios demand a sharp mind and a ready and capable body, so wise preppers will be mindful to have some high-quality vitamins and supplements within their shelter in order to remain ship-shape as long as needed.
These calorie bars by S.O.S. Food Labs will make a great addition to your emergency food supply that are long-lasting and affordable.
Your fallout shelter is going to need to be stocked with food rations. There’s a ton of options out there for food items that both store efficiently and provide adequate nutrition that warrants a whole other list – in fact, we’ve come up with one!
Remember that high protein foods require more water to digest than carbohydrates when choosing what to stock your shelter with.
I like these calorie bars by S.O.S. Food Labs because of their compact size and high calorie content. Ideally, you should store a variety of food items in your fallout shelter to maintain good nutrition, but these bars are a good staple for any shelter pantry. This product is U.S. Coast Guard approved for a five-year shelf life under any climatic conditions, so this is a smart buy if you want to ensure you have some long-lasting survival rations.
Reviews of these calorie bars claim that the coconut flavor actually tastes pretty decent and that they will not provoke thirst. This purchase gets you 18 individually wrapped 200 calorie bars – a pretty great value if you ask us.
Check out these one, three and twelve month food supply kits by Valley Food Storage for a more long term approach to stocking up on rations and remember that storability, portability, and nutritional value are the big three to keep in mind when purchasing rations for your fallout shelter or any emergency scenario.
Midland’s X-TALKER T71VP3, 36 Channel FRS Two-Way Radios could be an invaluable tool when it comes to maintaining contact with other survivors and your immediate friends and family.
After a nuclear attack, it’s highly likely that nobody in the vicinity will have use of their cellphones, or even landlines. You’re going to need a way to maintain contact with the outside world while you’re holding out in your shelter. Another thing to consider is when you do finally emerge from your fallout bunker to get to safety, it will be very wise to have a form of communication within your family or whomever you’re traveling with.
We suggest you store your emergency walkie-talkies or radio somewhere in the basement if possible in order to avoid the effects of a potential EMP that could render electronics useless.
The aftermath of a nuclear blast could be really dangerous for a lot of reasons – people who didn’t prepare well enough or at all might start taking supplies and rations from others by force. It’s frightening to think about, so all the more reason to be able to communicate with your loved ones when and if you wander from your shelter.
A couple of walkie-talkies could be a HUGE lifesaver in terms of receiving both good or bad news from within your band of survivors, or from other prepared survivors on the same channel.
These rechargeable two-way radios by Midland are a reliable and effective approach to securing a form of communication with the people in your vicinity (up to 38-mile range). These are high-quality radios at a very reasonable cost suitable for on-the-go use, but be sure to consider the benefits of an even more capable, stationary radio for use at home base as well.
Keep in mind that radio range is greatly affected by physical obstructions, so they will have a significantly shorter range in urban settings and thickly forested environments.
These walkie-talkies are rechargeable, so you won’t need to carry batteries around with you in the nuclear wasteland if you’re also carrying a power bank or a crank-powered radio. There are 10 weather channels with alert features and 36 channels so you can stay tuned in to any important information being broadcasted.
Built with shock and water-resistant housing, these are furthermore tough little radios that can handle the abuses of the outdoors.
Considering there will very likely be no other forms of communication following a nuclear blast, these radios will no doubt prove to be incredibly useful if you need them.
The Anker PowerCore 20100 20000mAH High Capacity Power Bank is another power bank option that packs a pretty good punch. It’s not rechargeable by solar or crank power, making it less versatile as a survival item than the radio previously listed, but it does provide you with a good bit of power off of one charge.
We suggest a higher capacity, more capable power source for at-home use such as the Jackery Explorer 1500 or 1000, but if you’re trekking through the nuclear aftermath and relying on electronics to keep you safe and informed, then you oughta have some portable backup juice like this for your devices.
This option provides you with the extra charge you might need for your phone, GPS, camera, or whatever else. At just 12.5 ounces and highly compact, this unit has enough power on one charge to charge an I-phone almost seven times, or a Galaxy five times. Pretty impressive stats.
Anker includes a micro USB cable, travel pouch, and an 18-month warranty with this product if you find it to be defective. For those disaster preppers who want to ensure their phones will remain usable or their GPS units will continue to navigate, the Anker PowerCore is a great preventative measure.
The FiveJoy Military Folding Shovel Multitool is a seriously righteous and robust gadget worth owning for virtually any survival scenario. There’s a ton of gimmicky survival tools out there that are in reality not all that practical – this is not one of those items.
This is a reliable tool to own when you venture from your shelter that is both versatile and practical. It’s an all in one survival shovel that has a huge array of potential uses between all of its features.
This compact and lightweight (1.2 pounds) tool includes a shovel, axe blade, serrated saw, hammer and length of paracord. There’s also an emergency whistle, magnesium fire starter, bottle opener and travel pouch included.
This is a super-compact unit that can fit easily into a backpack or in your vehicle. You never know what sort of survival scenario might require you to dig trenches, build shelters or start fires – this multi-tool has you covered on all fronts.
Crafted with hi-carbon steel and hardened aluminum, this is a tough piece of gear that’s built to withstand the elements.
I can think of a ton of potential reasons to include this unit in your nuclear survival kit, and for the price point, this thing is bound to pay for itself if you really need it.
While we’re on the topic of versatile multi-tools, maybe you have a need for a smaller, pocket-sized alternative that still has an array of important features that could prove useful while making your way through the nuclear wasteland.
The EMDMAK Outdoor Survival Kit will make a great addition to any emergency supply kit or survival backpack. It’s impossible to know what sort of tools and gadgets you might need while moving from your shelter to safety, so consider owning an inclusive set of survival tools like this.
I like this one in particular because of how tiny it is. This kit can fit in your hand – making it an ideal space saver. Remember, you’re going to need to pack rations and water, sleeping arrangements, clothing, medical supplies and likely much more, so trimming down on anything and everything when it comes to size is crucial.
This kit has some practical tools that definitely might prove useful. There’s a wire saw, whistle, flashlight, compass, steel survival card and much more.
For the cost, this is an excellent value set. Check out this professional grade emergency survival kit for a truly all-inclusive array of gear.
Part of preparing is being ready for scenarios you can’t even imagine yet. It’s unwise to purchase or pack things that will prove not to be useful, but with a kit that is compact and highly portable, it’s absolutely worth including in your survival pack.
Clean water is hands down the most pivotal aspect of persisting through extended emergency situations. The LifeStraw Community High-Capacity Water Purifier is a brilliant innovation when it comes to providing clean water for large groups of people.
Designed to filter 26,000 gallons over its lifespan, the Community Purifier can provide clean water for 100 people over the span of three to five years – now that’s impressive! This likely far exceeds your survival needs for a one or two week period stuck in a fallout shelter, but for this price point, there’s no such thing as overkill when it comes to reliable hydration. This device is also of course wonderful for a wide array of emergency, and non-emergency scenarios, so chances are you’ll find some applications for it outside of your nuclear safety plan.
Remember that water exposed to nuclear fallout will not be drinkable, even after filtering through this device. The key to ensuring you have enough water is to start stockpiling it as soon as a threat is imminent. The beauty of this device is that you can store environmental water harvested from nearby lakes, rivers, and streams, as well as poor quality tap water you wouldn’t be able to otherwise drink, and then safely filter it.
The Community Purifier holds 13 gallons (50 liters) at once, and is built exceptionally tough to endure abuse. According to the brand, “advanced purification technology removes (Rotavirus, Hepatitis A), protects against bacteria (including E.coli, Salmonella), parasites (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), microplastics, organic chemical matter, dirt, silt and sand; and improves taste”, so if you have access to a fresh water source, you can use this tool to make it safe for consumption.
Another detail worth mentioning – for every LifeStraw product sold, the brand provides one school child with one year of clean water, so this is a brand you can feel good about buying!
Whether you remain in the safety of your home or fallout shelter or choose to embark on an evacuation to safer territory, chances are you’ll need to start a fire. Cooking foods, boiling water, and generating warmth if you’re in a cold climate will require a reliable flame, so be prepared with a quality fire starter for the scenarios you can think of, but more importantly, the ones you can’t.
The Feuerstock Fire Starter Survival Tool is a simple and straightforward option requiring no fuel or electricity to operate that delivers a shower of sparks at 1000+ degrees in order to ignite tinder material in virtually any environment. This purchase includes a full-grip heavy-duty carbide striker and a Ferro rod encased in a patent-pending coating for corrosion protection when not in use. It also includes a lanyard for easy carrying and an instruction manual.
You can find some alternative fire starters great for on-the-go and at-home use within our list of the best windproof lighters – but remember, most of these devices will either require fuel or a charge to operate.