Steve Stephens. (Facebook)
Cleveland Police have confirmed that a video posted to Facebook showing an elderly man being shot is legitimate. The video was posted Sunday by a Facebook user going by the name “Stevie Steve,” who has been identified by police as Steve Stephens. Read more about Stephens here.
Stephens was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Tuesday after a brief pursuit with police in Erie County, Pennsylvania, authorities say.
You can watch the video below (warning: very graphic):
Stephens’ Facebook page has since been taken down. You can watch other videos in which he talks about his reasons for the killing here.
In the shocking video, which was recorded and then uploaded to the page, not streamed live, Stephens can be seen driving down the road and he says, “Found me somebody I’m going to kill, this guy right here, this old dude,” before exiting his vehicle. He walks up to the man and begins talking to him, asking how old he is before pulling out a gun.
The man tries to shield himself before Stephens fires once, hitting the man in the head.
The video shows the man on the ground, bleeding as Stephens walks back to his car and drives off.
The shooting happened at 635 East 93rd Street, police said. The victim has been identified as Robert Godwin Sr., 74.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to help the family of the victim, Robert Godwin. The crowdfund website says it has confirmed the funds will be given to the family.
Steve Stephens, 37, fatally shot himself in Erie, Pennsylvania, state police said on Twitter.
His death comes nearly two days after the Cleveland shooting that shocked the nation.
The search has extended to neighboring states, with police broadcasts about Stephens being put out to officers in Pennsylvania and New York.
“We have closure in regards to the search for Steve Stephens,” Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said at a press conference. “This particular incident received a lot of attention and rightfully so, because it was a loss of an innocent victim. We however have many, many homicides, not only in Cleveland, but throughout this nation.
“Ultimately, what I believe one of the things that this has taught us is that we cannot resolve this underlining issue of violence, particularly gun violence, if we do not function and operate and have the same compassion and commitment that we have shown here,” Jackson said.
Family members spoke about the victim, identified by police as 74-year-old Robert Godwin Sr.:
“He’s good guy. He’d give you the shirt off his back,” a family member told reporters. “This man right here was a good man. I hate he’s gone. It’s not real.”
Police said Godwin was picked at random.
In another Facebook post, Stephens said he has killed 15 people. He had been posting on Facebook for at least four hours before his page was taken down.
His first post called the shootings an “Easter day slaughter.” In that post, he claimed to have killed 12 people, and said he “won’t stop” until his mother and another woman call him.
“I’m the #goodguy,” he wrote.
In later posts, he claimed to have killed three more people. He wrote that many of the bodies were in an abandoned house.
Cleveland Police said in a press release that only one homicide has been confirmed. They searched locations mentioned by Stephens in his videos, but found no other victims.
“This shit is real,” Stephens wrote on Facebook.

Steve Stephens. (Facebook)
On Facebook, Stephens blamed the shootings on a woman, who appears to have been his girlfriend, Joy Lane.
He wrote, “three years I spent with this bitch … I wish we never met.”
In the video showing him shooting an elderly man, he asks him to say his ex-girlfriend’s name before shooting him.
“She’s the reason this is about to happen to you,” he says.
You can donate to a GoFundMe account set up to help Godwin’s family here. GoFundMe has said the funds will benefit the victim’s family.
You can read more about Steve Stephens and follow developments at the link below:
Read more about Steve Stephens in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com: